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Just curious, what is the latest Fox trouble?

Guess why Revenge of the Apes disappeared from the store! :sad:


And even though Fox is not mentioned anywhere! So I wish you a lot of luck and that no idiotic asshole is after you (or your project).

All idiot asshole stuff aside, Fox was probably a little more willing to listen to the "asshole" about "Apes" because the "Apes" license is still very much viable. They just released a remake a year or two back. Action figs, Playstation games, DVDs, etc. That's probably why they persued it so aggressively.


(Although that doesn't explain wha' happened to Alligator People - a film I haven't seen on the late show since the late 70s....)

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Fox was probably a little more willing to listen to the "asshole" about "Apes" because the "Apes" license is still very much viable


After that movie the license probably isn't worth the legal paper it's printed on. That thing was a God awful abomination!



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Fox was probably a little more willing to listen to the "asshole" about "Apes" because the "Apes" license is still very much viable


After that movie the license probably isn't worth the legal paper it's printed on. That thing was a God awful abomination!



Testify Brother Matt! I so desperately, desperately, desperately wanted to like it. Directed by Burton, for Cripe's Sake! But it was just....ugh. I would rather watch Conquest fo the Planet of the Apes 100 times before seeing this again.
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Fox was probably a little more willing to listen to the "asshole" about "Apes" because the "Apes" license is still very much viable


After that movie the license probably isn't worth the legal paper it's printed on. That thing was a God awful abomination!



Testify Brother Matt! I so desperately, desperately, desperately wanted to like it. Directed by Burton, for Cripe's Sake! But it was just....ugh. I would rather watch Conquest fo the Planet of the Apes 100 times before seeing this again.


I agree... Burtons of "vision" of Planet of Apes just went way off track... I think everyone would've appreciated a modern remake, but staying with the original 60's storyline and not completely going off base with the whole Oberon bit and Thad and what have you... plus Michael Jackson would've made a better ape then the women actor who's character had the hots for Mark Walberg.... after all, they both look identical when she was in makeup ;-)




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