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Entity for Atari 2600......New Game Being Released


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Joe was telling me about this a couple of months back. It sounds ... weird. It was intended to be based on the movie of the same name and released by 20th Century Fox. Perhaps the rather mature subject of the film put them off? Dunno, but the theme of the game is certainly change from that of the movie.

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Yeah I was doing research on the movie and game for my webpage, and they are very different. I got to play it for a few minutes at PC and while it's not bad, it's not great either. Basically you just move walls towards the center of the screen and force the bouncing "Entity" up another level. It gets kinda boring fast. However I didn't spend much time with it, maybe it gets better later on?



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do you have anything up on your page about entity yet, tempest?


I started to do a page, but I hoestly didn't play it enough to get a good feel for the game so I decided to wait until I play it at CGE. Expect a full report in a few weeks.



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"i look forward to adding some more to my collection sure seems like there are a TON of fox protos out there."


Godzilla's right, you know. Why, just look at this prototype I found at a local flea market. Sometimes I think that Fox is STILL making these games!




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Thsi game baffles me. The movie was the last film I would have expected to become a game, it was psychosexual schlock for those with rape fantasies involving ghosts. The movie was a flop. I'm guessing that this game was created first then an excuse found to tie it in with any property at all. What were the marketers thinking? We have a dog of a movie featuring a woman pretending to be raped by an invisible man so let's sell it to the Atari kids. And the game will bear no resemlance to the movie in style, images, or anything at all.


They might as well have re-titled Beanie Bopper as Aliens and Turmoil as My Dinner With Andre.

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Thsi game baffles me.  The movie was the last film I would have expected to become a game, it was psychosexual schlock for those with rape fantasies involving ghosts. The movie was a flop. I'm guessing that this game was created first  then an excuse found to tie it in with any property at all. What were the marketers thinking?
Well, this *is* the same game company that brought us "Porkys" and "Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatos" based on "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes." Neither of these are exactly high-falutin' pieces of art. (And Porkys was - in some ways - worse than The Entity - but not by much....)
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