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where i can find the latest update for atarimax 5200 SD


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but i wish i can find the latest update somewhere on the internet im hoping that it can fix graphic bugs on some of the games.

I have the 4-port model


you can find-out more about the problem on my Official Posted at this link




Edited by SassiestPen
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I really do not think there IS as update, personally searched the official site and forums and found nothing so if the source / creator has no update I suspect none exists. Are you sure any graphical glitches are not do to dirty contacts on either you cart or slot? I have don't recall any such issues with mine. 

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Contact Steven over at Atarimax. I am certain he will help you with any issue you are experiencing. Just keep in mind he is slow to respond to emails (like weeks slow) but he always does eventually respond and always helps. I periodically email him for APE software updates and again while it takes weeks (last time took 3 weeks) he does respond as friendly as ever and helps out.

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