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Atari 2600 "River Raid Neght"


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Hi, got a variant of river raid by Digivision labeled "River Raid Neght". Can't find anything anywhere about this game, no roms, no screenshots. The ROM is modified from river raid, it has a black background, the fuel meter is gone, and Activision is replaced with something I can't quite make out. Anyway, I wanted to dump the rom but really have no idea how and probably don't have the time to figure it out by myself. Anyone willing to lend a hand or have really clear instructions on how to dump roms, or by any chance know where there's a rom of this cart?


Here's what I've got on it:






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That sounds wicked hard. I guess you know you're running low on fuel when the warning bell goes off....

Wooooop Woooooop Woooooop

I wonder if the fuel gauge is there but just blends in with the black background???


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Sounds interesting and would be good to see some screenies. I have a river raid hack on a multi cart called Bermuda. It says bermuda where it should say activision. There are no walls so its more like ocean raid, u need to avoid clouds, shoot planes bombs, ships and mini biplanes. Its gonna take a long time for me to go through this cart, 63 titles more to try.

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I don't think I could play a hack like this..being that I can't even hear the sounds..deaf.


Sounds cool though.


I always thought that certain hacks of certain games would look cool.


Wouldn't it have been better to just license the original from Activision? Or perhaps that was too expensive?

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