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What is the Atlantis and Comsic Ark connection?


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Recently picked up these 2 titles and I remember reading soemwhere that the they were the first games that were linked - part of the same story.


I don't think the manuals don't really make it clear how the 2 are

connected, just something about atlanteans on the cosmic ark. :?:


What's the story?

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We might need to ask Rob Fulop on this, but wasn't there a third game at least at the concept stage to feature that little ship?


Or maybe after a while it gets to be like a James Bond villain - at the end of every future Imagic game, we would've seen that damn little flying saucer take off. Lost your game of Shooting Gallery? Wheeeeee! There goes the little ship. :D


Or maybe not. :wink:

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Ah yes, I remember that connection now. (I have never really liked Atlantis, so I don't play it much.)


OK... so you've got a little ship that flies away at the end of both games. That's a pretty weak connection.


I suppose if the Atlantis world is destroyed, the people who escaped could then explore the galaxy looking for creatures to steal from their home worlds to use to populate a new one of their own.


(Come to think of it, Cosmic Ark's concept is rather disturbing. At least it's fun to play! :) )

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DP: Is there some kind of connection with Cosmic Ark and Dennis Koble's Atlantis?  


RF: Oh, right, the little space ship!  At the end of Cosmic Ark, this little space ship flew away, and we wound up putting it in Atlantis. We were going to put the ship in a bunch of games.


my guess: a cute visual that Koble and Fulop came up with that was turned into a gimmick by the marketing department. The magazines of the time suggested that after Atlantis is destroyed, the Ark is sent out to repopulate the planet. Who knows if this was Imagic's story or something a bored game reviewer came up with?


Now have fun with THIS quote

RF: The little green saucer, which appears in Cosmic Ark, flies around somewhere in Fathom, but I don’t recall how to trigger it.

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I have protos of both of Cosmic Ark and Atlantis (How I aquired them is an interesting story). In the proto version of Cosmic Ark, the little saucer is missing. I recall asking Rob Fulop about this at World of Atari. He told me this was added at the last minute to tie the 2 games together. Ala.. a marketing gimmick.


BTW: I Even have the protoype instructions typed up on Imagic letterhead. Complete with typos and such :)


If there is interest. I'll post them somewhere. Probably have AtariAge host them if they won't mind along with the bin images for folks to play with. Perhaps they may show up at CGE , in the museum.


Take care,


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The little ship that escapes in the end of Atlantis looks like the one you use to beam up the various critters in Cosmic Ark. I always figured the Cosmic Ark dropped in to rescue a couple of inhabitants when Atlantis was destroyed.


Wow! I never thought of it from that angle! This is a very interesting concept-- an ark which never lets any species go truly extinct in the universe! :ponder: :ponder: :ponder: :ponder:

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Wow! I never thought of it from that angle!  This is a very interesting concept-- an ark which never lets any species go truly extinct in the universe! :ponder:  :ponder:  :ponder:  :ponder:


It's a good thing it's not the same ship that takes off at the end of E.T.! :roll:

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