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Woodgrain or Vader


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I have a question. I know its hard to appoint value to something. But could I get peoples opinions as to which 2600 systems are worth the most?

Not counting the jr, we have the heavy 6 swithc, the normal 6 switch, the woodgrain 4 switch, and the black 4 switch. Which of these do you feel is worth the most, which one is worth the least.


Also would like to know which ones are more rare/common.

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Personally James i would have to say the Vader is the rarest to come by. I never see them at garage sales.thrift stores and flea markets. I see the 6 switch and 4 switch every where. as for rarity or value amount im not sure on that. Maybe someone else can price the value of them but IMHO The vader is the rarest.

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Well, what i think counts more than actual money value is:


which machine do you like better?


I've got a junior and a 4switcher with the woodgrain front, and i definetly like the woodgrain a lot better. I had the oppurtunity to buy a PAL 'vader' for not all that much, but i skipped it, because i don't like the way it looks.

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I like the six-switch the best, because it was the first 2600 system I had as a kid, while two other friends had the Jr system, but I think the one that is in the best shape is the better system. If you have a Jr system in mint shape with no scratches on it, then you have a six-switch woody that has lots of scratches on it then the Jr wins. Its just what system you like the best.


:) :ponder: :roll:

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But arent the old style 6 switchers better because they have better sheilding? or something like that


No, the Heavy 6ers work just like the next 2600. The Heavy 6ers are different from the regular 6-switches because they have thick plastic moulding on the sides and a ton of internal RF shielding.

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Do not underestimate the Power of the Dark Side of the Force! :D


The 2600 Vader looks agressive, it's all about Attitude man!


Just between us, inside it looks cheaply constructed compared to a 6 switch model but the cart slot works very well with most carts, unlike the 6 switch models where the spring of the dust flap gives up and sometimes gets in the way giving you a hard time inserting carts.


Bow to the 2600 Logo! :wink:

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I like the all black appearance of the Vader 2600, but it seems to be more common than the original Heavy Sixer. The Heavy Sixer seems to have been built with as much shielding as an M1 Tank, but unfortunately without as much firepower. ;) The Heavy Sixer cannot be beat for its unique appearance (compared to the later six-switch and four-switch versions), and the fact that you can say this is one of the "original" Atari 2600 systems.



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I like the 4 switch woody the most, They are the hardest to find around here and mine is mint. 2nd would be the 6 switch then the vader, I do like the vader but for some reason i think they feel cheap. I dont like the Jr or rainbow at all, I have about 4 of these that just get used to test carts.

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My favorite is probably the second Six-Switch. It was the first time the classic design we all know and love was used (without the extra plastic of the first model), it's still heavy, but not too bad. The thing is basically 1978 in plastic form.


I had my Vader first, and the thing looks really, really cool. Since I had to replace the RF cord, the one side of it looks like it's raised a little, you can't really tell until you look in the cartridge slot, but since I used a spare Six-Switch cord for the job, I feel like the Vader can't handle such things. If only I had a better fitting RF cord...

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Personally, I don't like the look of the Vader. The glossy black front panel looks out of place on the machine.


I think they should've redesigned the entire case instead of just replacing the woodgrain.

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I prefer the "real" heavy Sixer. It just looks "classic". The fact that they were produced in far fewer numbers also makes them more desirable to me as a collector. I'd have to say I like the Jr the least, but I do think it's 'well made' from a tech standpoint.

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I'm a 2600 hound, so this'll sound like blasphemy. I prefer the Atari Jr. Model.


Yes, yes, I know the arguements. But I've never had a cart label get scuffed, snagged, or torn in my Jr. like they sometimes did in my Vader. I don't particularly care for the "chunkiness" of my Heavy Sixer. And sometimes, a game won't even work on one of the older systems. (Marble Craze being a recent example of flakiness on certain original systems.)


I've never had a problem with my Jr. It's small enough to tuck between several other systems in my entertainment center without taking up too much room. And when I go to cons and meetings, it's a helluva lot easier to pack up and go. I love the Woodies for the nostalgic look to them, but the Jrs. are just a simple, easy-to-set-up and play workhorse.

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Just wondering... why does nobody ever mention the Irish Atari 2600 - the one with the all-black stripe and small rainbow (no silver at all)? Does it count as a Jr. or what?


If anyone wants a trade/purchase I have two (got them for £10 on eBay)... I`m thinking of modding them both (composite out) if anyone's interested - might stick it back on eBay then.


Do US collectors collect Irish Jr's?


Edit: Oh, to answer the question - in the UK it's the Vader that's worth the most, then the 6 switcher, then the 4 switcher, then the Jr. At least that's what it seems like - they're all pretty cheap. No heavy sixers over here...

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I like Snider-man's arguments in favor of the Jr. Since I do not own one myself, I cannot speak of its benefits. (I do like how small it is though... and I was almost tempted to pick one up for $25 at Shopko back in '90 or so.)


Anyway... the 4-switch woody will always be the "classic" to me because it's what I grew up with, even though my main 2600 system right now is a 6-switch Sears model! That's because the left difficulty switch on my original console has crapped out, and the Sears is one I got on eBay last year in ABSOLUTE MINT condition. I suppose I should preserve it but, man, the thing obviously never got the attention it deserved back in the day, so I need to make up for it now!

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  • 1 month later...

I would definitely chose the woodgrain model over any other model if given a choice. It would be much like the original system that I owned when I was a kid. I have an Atari 7800 that I use since I can play both sets of games but I would love to have the woodgrain model. Of course, then I would need a dust cover for it as I would like to keep it clean like I did when I was a kid.

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I'd take a Big Sexy (heavy sixer) for two reasons:


1) Loads of RF shielding means better picture

2) It had a built-in coax adapter so you could connect it directly to your cable.


Mind you I have a phono-to-coax adapter so I still get great picture quality even with standard RF, but still ... extra shielding never hurts.


Personally, I have a normal six switch woody and a Jr, plus I'm bidding on a big sexy right now. Heavy sixers seem to be the hardest to come by for me... I've seen loads of vaders, regular sixers and four switches on eBay, but genuine heavy sixers aren't that common. Heck, they were only manufactured for a year or two in Sunnyvale before manufacturing went to China or wherever it went.

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