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Well, this 1040 STFM is turning into a dumpster

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fire.  The original Sony internal isn't working right after going thru the restore thread on exxos, moves the head but I get back a "drive not responding" message.  Next up, the seller included a Teac FD-235HG, same problem, not recognized.  I did check to see if the drive was selected D0 and it seemed to be correct.  Last item included was a Gotek, same problem, not recognized.  This one is a bit new to me but I did put the two files the Gotek needed in the root, but I am not sure if I need to firmware update this thing as I have seen on some youtube vids.  OTOH, I am beginning to suspect there may be a bigger problem here, maybe something on the motherboard.  Is that possible, or am I just a complete idiot...  thanks

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There could definitely be other issues. I have no way of diagnosing that. But, yes, you definitely need to install the firmware onto a Gotek in order for it to work with your ST. Exxos’ has a great thread in his hardware forums related to setting up Gotek firmware.


Since it was included with your ST, I would assume it’s been setup. Still, you need to know what firmware it uses; FlashFloppy or HxC. Also, depending on how the Gotek is mounted, the ribbon cable needs to be twisted before plugging it in. Some custom Gotek mounts have the Gotek mechanism mounted upside down though, and the cable is just ran straight in if that’s the situation.

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Thanks Dragon for your reply.  I am beginning to suspect the f'er that sold me this knew there was a problem with the drive hardware as no drive, including the Gotek, works.  Obviously since he bought the Gotek, he knew the original and the replacement he probably bought didn't work.  That being said, the Gotek as far as I have been able to determine, was not set up properly.  I will check out exxos and see about setting up the Gotek properly, if I still get a drive fail this will go back to the ebayer who gipped me, and I think, knowingly.  I say that, because in the background of the pics of the ST were a collection of retro consoles and games, I don't think he is unaware of the problems with this unit.

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