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Atari 1040stf accessories

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Hello, I'm new to Atari computers and recently picked up a Atari 1040stf, but it doesn't have a power cable or monitor cable. Where would I be able to get a power cable?  And I'd like to hook it up to a vga monitor - is there a cable that will allow me to do that?  Thanks for any info. 



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You can use a standard three prong AC cable that you can pickup pretty much anywhere. There's nothing special about these cables.


You can hoot an ST up to just about any VGA monitor for monochrome high res mode, but you can only connect in color low or medium res modes if the monitor is 15kHz compatible, and these are getting harder and harder to find. You would also need an RGB to VGA cable or interface in order to do this, even if you found a compatible monitor. Almost all of the Atari ST monitors had the monitor cables permanently attached to them. That's why you don't find any Atari ST monitor cables.


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