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ACK!! Video Olympics.. EATEN!


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Hi guys!


The Story: I had a bunch of freinds over last night and we got nostalgic so i broke out the old 6 switch woody and a bunch of games to play, warlords combat anbd video olympics getting the most play... well, to make a long story short, it turned into a long night and by the time everyone had left i was too tired to put the atari up... OK, flash forward to this morning i wake up to find my dog (whos half german shepard and halp coyote) calmly chewing on something... on closer inspection its my VIDEO OLYMIPCS!! YIKES!

Well, i pryed it away from my doggie, and examined it... teeth marks, holes through the case, and bunches of slobber (ICK!) So i take the thing apart (after bonking my doggie on the nose (BAD DOG!! Never eat mommys games!)) and i find that the dog somehow punched a hole right through the little chip... i mean a real hole! Crunch!

*sigh* I cant live without Pong! Ill go crazy! Well, ok, crazier! lol So, i was wondering if any of you lovely people out there had an extra copy of Video Olympcs lyin around that you might send my way?? Ill pay shipping of course, and maybe a few bucks for the cart itself! Help me Obi Wan, youre my only hope!


Thanks guys For your time and putting up with me around here!


I love yall! :-) And im not even saying that to suck up or anything! :D

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What you might want to do is place this same post in our market place here at Atariage and you might find someone with a Video Olympics there.


Not neccessary, I have tons of those, send your info to me and I'll send you one. :)

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That's funny. Video Olympics is the only game I found in the wild with a case in such bad shape (chewed by a dog [presumably :ponder]) that I took the pcb out and threw away the case. Is there something about Video Olympics that dogs love (/hate)?:

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That's funny.  Video Olympics is the only game I found in the wild with a case in such bad shape (chewed by a dog [presumably :ponder]) that I took the pcb out and threw away the case.  Is there something about Video Olympics that dogs love (/hate)?:

The paddles in them look like chew toys, so they mistake the cartridge as theirs.

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Hi guys!


 Well, i pryed it away from my doggie, and examined it... teeth marks, holes through the case, and bunches of slobber (ICK!)  So i take the thing apart (after bonking my doggie on the nose (BAD DOG!! Never eat mommys games!))  




"bonking" in many parts of the world means "having sex with". I'd be more careful about how you tell that story, in future, given the international audience it's getting :)

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note to self: never use the work "bonking" at Atariage! lol


geez guys.. i love my dog, but i dont "love" my dog! :D


and yes, this ceratinly teaches me to not leave stuff lying around all night! the weird thing is the dog has never chewed on anything before.. well except her chew toys, hmm maybe just a fluke thing?


Anyhoose, all the atari stuff will stay up on the shelf when not in use!


Yikes i can hear my mother now: I told you to pick up your toys young lady! lol

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Dogs are made to chew up everything...just like cats are made to rip everything to shreds. If you have a table with all of it's original legs or something leather (shoes, jacket, purse) that has not been mated with yet, I'd say this dog is a little overdue. :lol:

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I'll never forget my old dad...when these things would happen to him...the things he'd say to me.
...what did he say?
What the bloody hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night?!  Why don't you get outta there and give someone else a chance?!
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Funny.... that's probably one of the few atari 2600 games that I actually have a cart for. Too bad it's the only one. But it looks like cpu wiz set you up. I was pretty sure I saw one at this place I frequent who sells atari carts loose a buck a piece.

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Thnks ever so much CPUWIZ! Youre an awqesome guy in my book! :)


As for the rest of ya... well, you may be just a tad silly, but i luvs yall anyways! Many thanks for being such great folks and entertaining us all! :D


By the way, im checking every game that i have for evidence of kibbles in the cart! Cant be too careful these days! lol


Nukey, I LOVE young frankenstein! Definatly a classic! :D


And i told my mom about what happened and i got exactly the response i expected: "well, serves you right for leaving your things just lying around all over the place!" LOL Some things never change!

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