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Need info for Der Vielfrab & Schnapp Die Apfeldiebe


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"Der Vielfrass" is an hacked version of "Fast Food" http://www.atariage.com/software_page.html...wareLabelID=172

and i think it´s not too rare in germany, but it´s a nice score if you got it cheap.


"Schnapp die Apfeldiebe" is harder to find and has got one of the ugliest labels ever.


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I found them at a flea market in Massachusetts. About a half an hour north of Boston. I spend a good amount of time hitting flea markets and yard sales, and good finds are hard to come by. The person I bought the German games from didn't seem to know too much about these games. At another smaller Flea Market down the road, and older gentlemen sold me the 27 games for $10. Not that it matters on this site, but I also bought boxed nintendo games (some still in shrink wrap) 2 for $5. All in all a great weekend for game finds.


I also went to the NECG event saturday, which you'll find in the events section of this site. I'm the guy with the Pacman tattoo. Yeah, I'm just a little obsessed with old games. :D

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Nice find and in a not trying to hijack the thread kind of way.. MattXB, U probably know this one but what the frig is Aufruhr im Zoo ??? I have this on a multicart, This multicart has lots of rares like bomb roms, Gas hog, etc. For the life of me i cant compare Aufruhr im Zoo to any original games.

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Aufruhr im Zoo is the same as Zoofun (HomeVision) I think.

And I think Der hungrige Panda is near too the same game (a hack). In Thomas CloneSpy it is listed together.

There exist no NTSC Version from this game. Or no official NTSC release. Maybe somewhere you can found pirate NTSC versions.


By CloneSpy are these all near the same

Aufruhr im Zoo (Starsoft) (PAL)

Der hungrige Panda (Starsoft) (PAL)

Panda Chase (HomeVision)

Zoo Fun (HomeVision)


And then there exist a Panda & Panda (Quest) cartridge which are too the same as Panda Chase. :)


Maybe this site helps a bit with all the german games. I have listed near all Quelle games and what original game it is, or under which name it was released.

Quelle List

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There exist no NTSC Version from this game. Or no official NTSC release. Maybe somewhere you can found pirate NTSC versions.

Quelle List


Well if you are after an NTSC version of zoo fun or Aufruhr im Zoo, I may have just found it. The colours are very different on my machine then the screenie for zoofun on AA. I know for a fact that the 2 bomb games on this multi are NTSC and maybe the rest.

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Actually the screen shot of Zoo Fun on AA uses NTSC colours. The ROM image is somewhere between the screen size for PAL and NTSC, but the colours are clearly supposed to be PAL. So if your game has different colours on a PAL setup, then your game is probably the PAL version.


Also I think the original version of this game might be one of the "Pumuckl" games by ITT Family games. Zoo Fun and Farmyard Fun have a main character that looks pretty much like Pumuckl as he was drawn in the German TV series that was popular in the early 1980s. Also both games play a version of the title melody from this TV series. ITT advertized a Pumuckl games series in a German video game magazine, but AFAIK no one has found an actual cartridge version of these games yet.


ITT did sell Homevision games with their own label. And Zoo Fun has some similarities to Homevision's Panda Chase, but the gameplay is somewhat different. So I think ITT got the Pumuckl license and asked Homevision to do a game for them quickly. To be able to finish a game in time, Homevision just took the source code for their Panda Chase game and created an easy game for young childrem from it. You can see that Panda Chase was first by looking at the extra lives in Zoo Fun. They are still shown as Panda heads. ;)



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Thanks for the wealth of information on zoofun! I spent some time getting screenshots off the net and downloading the rom from various places, They all come up with the same colour. Another thing is that this game takes up almost the entire screen which basically pal carts never do. To be honest i havent a clue, it seems this cart is full of ntsc's though for 32 of the 64. There is one dipswitch which changes from 32 to 32, So its a turn on and off job. 32 of the games are actually the atari pal 32 in 1 cart. The original 32 in one cart seems to have bad colours for most of the games ive noticed (ntsc roms), However this multicart displays the correct colours in all of the games.


Im confused now :?


Not really a game to worry about i spose, still interesting to me though.

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