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Need some ''how much to pay" help fast!


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Through the old 'friend of a friend of a friend' network, I found someone who has a bunch of offbeat 2600 games--all of it in the box, most of them in cellophane still. The guy wants $11 a piece--I've rarely found games in the box, much less mint, so I don't really know if that's a decent price for these, but I do know that there's at least 4 games that I've never come across in my 9 years of collecting.

So, I need your collective help in figuring out what (if any of it) is worth getting.


Double Dragon (Activision)

Spider Droid (Froggo--and he has 2 of them)

Skateboardin (Absolute Ent.)

Gravitar (Atari red box)

Football (late 80s box which says it's really soccer)

Cruise Missle (Froggo--and he has 2 of them)

Little Bear (bootleg Taiwan Cooper Label---what game is this really?)

Pele's Soccer (bootleg Taiwan Cooper Label)


various realsports volleyball, football, baseball which I don't care about


Any info or advice would be awesome.


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I'm assuming they are all comlete, and in OK shape at least....


Double Dragon (Activision)

Skateboardin (Absolute Ent.)

These 2 I would buy at that price.


Spider Droid (Froggo--and he has 2 of them)

Cruise Missle (Froggo--and he has 2 of them)

These are surprisingly easy to find sealed. Well, not so surprising given the quality of the games. :roll: I found a whole bunch of Cruise Missiles and Sea Hawks and one Spiderdroid at a store recently for $6 each. Maybe you could talk him down since he has 2 of each.


Gravitar (Atari red box)

O Shea's had this one. Not worth it.


Football (late 80s box which says it's really soccer)

Might be worth it if you're interested in odd label variations. It's the same game as Realsports Soccer though.


Little Bear (bootleg Taiwan Cooper Label---what game is this really?)

Pele's Soccer (bootleg Taiwan Cooper Label)

I honestly have no idea about these.

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