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Synthcart... Frequent Crashes!?


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I have recently bought a Synthcart from the Atariage store. I have got it about a week ago. One untill today, I was able to run it (Power Supply was malfunctioning). I plugged it in. and the videotouch pads in. I was amazed at how great the synthcart is. After about... lets say five minutes, The screen went black and a constant whirring from the sound i was just playing. I was used to getting these crashes (Skate park crashed frequently, too), so i shut down the atari, took out the cart, blew, and inserted it back into the atari and turned it on. The same thing happend in 30 seconds this time. i was furious that this was happening. If Paul Slocum is out there, here is a shout out, "TELL ME WTF IS WRONG!". Thanks for reading this. :twisted:

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I have another Atari in the house. I have been storing it for a year. Bought it at a local flea market. I have tested it and it does work. I dont know. I was using a 9-volt battery :twisted: as the power supply. My new PS didnt come in the Mail. Ill try that readly...

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It could be a lot of things, too little power from the battery, bad power switch, bad solder joints, bad cartridge port, etc.


I can't think of anything specific about the Synthcart that would cause it to crash. I've sold over 200 of them and haven't had any bug reports.



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I didnt attempt to mod this particular atari. so, no bad solder joints. My other atari was modded then unmodded. So, that may be the problem. I'm using the unmodded atari. I've noticed when i touch the cartridge, it crashes. The crash in Synthcart is simular to the one in skate game. I think it may be my atari. ill probally sell it to the atari guy at the flea market =/. then using $100 earned on LunchBay, and the atari profet, i can buy myself a atari vcs juinor that has been cleaned and tested

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Whats the prob with images in sig anyway. I personly have no problem.

IMO there are two major points:

- they use valuable bandwidth for users with slow internet connection (like me)

- the threads often get very cluttered and hard to follow then (and we already have avatars)


Therefore on AA we have agreed not to use them.

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Hey now that you make me notice it.. the overall lack of huge sigs is something that pretty much gives the AA boards their fine improved and look compared to many other boards around! ;)


BTW back on topic, afaik a 9v battery should supply 300ma at best.. and I believe that such a sound-intensive cart requires quite more! (as Thomas suggested)

As it's been stated before on the forum, different carts sometimes require different power so it should be normal that some work and some don't!




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