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Synthcart... Frequent Crashes!?


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Paul, Ive noticed that my synthcart cycles from color to b&w and stays on b&w, and then crashes, do you think that this is the problem?


The color adjust circuit requires a higher voltage than the rest of the 2600. If your battery is sagging, color will go first.



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do you think if i hooked up 2 9v's would it work?


In parallel, maybe. Don't put them in series or you'll be putting 18V into the 2600.



Parallel... Uhh oh... I forgot how to do that lol is it + to - to + to - . I fried a cellphone 3.8v sience i thought 1 9v would work
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do you think if i hooked up 2 9v's would it work?


In parallel, maybe. Don't put them in series or you'll be putting 18V into the 2600.



Parallel... Uhh oh... I forgot how to do that lol is it + to - to + to -


Parallel means put the 2 positives together, and the two negatives together. This will double the amount of current available, but leave the voltage at 9V. In other words, the positive lead from the 2600 goes to the positive terminal of both batteries, in the same way, connect all the negatives together too.


Series is to connect the batteries in a row (positive of one to negative of the other). This will add the two voltages together, giving 18V. Don't do this.


You could probably get away with putting 12V into the 2600 using a couple 6V lantern batteries in series and get a much longer life. the power goes into a 5V regulator on the board which wouldn't care about the difference in voltage (do at own risk).



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I read on VCSP site that all ya need is a steady rate of 7v so technicly, all i would need to do is use my home built multimeter (and a resister) to knock 2 6v batts down to 7.5v or i could just hook up 5 tripple A batts in series. correct?

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I read on VCSP site that all ya need is a steady rate of 7v so technicly, all i would need to do is use my home built multimeter (and a resister) to knock 2 6v batts down to 7.5v or i could just hook up 5 tripple A batts in series. correct?


Is all this easier than getting a DC adapter? :?


Okay, I'm the one who told Ben Heckendorn (VCSp) about the power requirements of the 2600. Here's the deal:


The power input of the 2600 is fed directly into a 7805 regulator. This regulator can take an input voltage of up to about 30V and limits it to 5V for the TTL-MOS IC's. It has a dropout voltage of 2V, which means the input must be at least 7V for it to operate. This means, theoretically, the 2600 could run on 7-30V DC.


The 2600 also provides about 7.5V to the color adjustment circuit, and it has crude voltage regulation here as well. If your input voltage drops too close the 7V, the color will stop working, then if it drops below 7V, your 5V to the IC's will drop.


The upshot of all this, is that you should be able to run a 2600 from 8-12V or higher with no problems. Atari's own schematics for the 2600 specify 14VDC at the power input. For safety's sake, I wouldn't go any higher than that, however.



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Is there a list of the notes that synthcart uses? Like keypad 1 = c3 for bass sound etc?


Here are the notes/tunings for the Major Scale setting:




29 26 23 

19 17 15 

14 11 9 

4  2  1

-----------------   -----------------

Bass/Pitfall        Lead             

-----------------   -----------------

#  Note NTSC PAL    #  Note NTSC PAL

--  ---- ---  ---   --  ---- ---  ---

1   b4  +45  +32    1   e7  -11  -25

2   e4  +43  +30    2   a6  -14  -27

4   g3  +58  +45    4   c6   +2  -11

9   g2  +59  +45    9   c5   +2  -11

11   e2  +43  +31   11   a4  -13  -27

14   c2  +56  +44   14   f4    0  -13

15   b1  +46  +32   15   e4  -11  -25

17   a1  +39  +27   17   d4  -16  -29

19   g1  +59  +45   19   c4   +3  -11

23   e1  +44  +28   23   a3  -14  -27

26   d1  +41  +27   26   g3  -17  -31

29   c1  +58  +42   29   f3   +1  -13


-----------------   -----------------

Square              Saw              

-----------------   -----------------

#  Note NTSC PAL    #  Note NTSC PAL

--  ---- ---  ---   --  ---- ---  ---

1   b8   -9  -23    1   c6   +2   -1

2   e8  -11  -25    2   f5    0   -1

4   g7   +4   -9    4  g#4  +16   +3

9   g6   +4   -9    9  g#3  +15   +2

11   e6  -11  -25   11   f3   +1  -13

14   c6   +2  -11   14  c#3  +13   +1

15   b5  -10  -23   15   c3   +3  -11

17   a5  -14  -27   17  a#2    0  -14

19   g5   +4   -9   19  g#2  +16   +3

23   e5  -12  -25   23   f2    0  -12

26   d5  -16  -29   26  d#2   -5  -18

29   c5   +2  -11   29  c#2  +15    0

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