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Will a Mega STe display anything when there is

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no keyboard?  There was no keyboard with this megaSTe, all I get is the screen to light up white.  Also, the bottom was marked "1 Meg" but I see two chip sips in the machine, guessing these are either 1 meg sips or 512K ips, any way to tell?  Thanks

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My TT boots up fine without a keyboard so it is most likely something else causing your all-white screen.  The RAM have have been upgraded but they all have to be the same capacity otherwise it won't work.  I would first reseat all of the RAM, chips, and cards to make sure nothing is loose.

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Thanks Master, it won't access the floppy, but the pics of the mega ste shown with the keyboard, mouse, and monitor also showed a white screen with the dialog box of the drive not responding, so I am going to check that out and re-seat all the chips to see what happens.  It was sold as working, but obviously the floppy didn't work at the time.

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