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Dugeon Master players? question...

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Yep, playing one of my favorite games and am getting ready to go to level 4 when I noticed my two front characters/fighter have grayed out hands/weapons on the attack part of the screen, WTF?  This just showed up after having played it on my Gotek on my 4160 STe, previously been playing on a 1040STe, wonder if this relates to some incompatibility with the Gotek or the game itself on the STe, any ideas?

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Thanks, blue, I think this is some kind of incompatibility with the 2.06 roms that are in my STe, maybe issues with memory, etc.  I have tried the Lord cracked version, runs but now system 41 error on all saves (floppy), the original (doesn't even boot!) and my Gotek version that I have been playing, same with saving, System 31 error.  May have to try a different version or floppy drive in this machine.

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3 hours ago, ParanoidLittleMan said:

Randy, can you give here ST image (ZIPped) of that Dungeon Master release, what you playing ?

Hi Peter, let me see if I can find a copy of the zipped file, I think it was on planetemu that I got it but not sure.  I have several versions, one that came with the ST was on disk and was cracked by "Lord" and I believe that same version is what is on my Gotek, which ran fine on an ST, but now is not running fine on my 4160STe w/TOS 2.06 UK.  I also have the original game, but that does not even load on the STe.  The Gotek version ran fine on the ST, but now on the STe I get "grayed weapons" on my front two characters.  The cracked disk version runs fine but gives me a "System 41 error" when I try to save, which i have tried on numerous floppies, all DSDD and one brand new.  BTW, I looked at the DMA version on your webpage and downloaded it and noticed the files on it including the TOS file "RUNADMA.TOS", does this file run from a floppy, as well as a hard drive, like a .prg file would?  Thanks

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Hi Peter, thanks for that, I did download that file and just need to get it on a floppy to try, or better, a hard drive device of some kind (CF, US, etc.)  I did download a different copy from planetemu of version V1.1, a different crack of the game, and it so far is running fine from the Gotek, although it will on occasion ask for the game disk.  Not a big problem as the game disk is the Gotek!  Looking forward to using your version, it sounds like it should be the definitive version!  Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

BTW, just picked up a haul that included a lot of cover disks and original DM and CSB, DM is v 1.2 and it runs fine right in the 4160 STe w/2.06 directly from the disk.  From the date 1988 on the disk, it should be the latest version?  Does say "for 520/1040 ST", no mention of STe.

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