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HD floppy not working

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Hi all, I have a working(?) Epson SMD-340 HD drive that I am trying to get to work as an HD floppy in my Mega STe.  I have the correct chips in the Mega except the TOS version is 2.05, which should still work, the drive that came with the Mega is a DSDD Epson SMD-380 which wasn't working at first but is now operational, well of a sort as some disks won't read, which I assumed were old, bad disks.  However, some of those bad disks can be read by the 340 in DSDD mode, not all, but a few do come up on the 340, however the Lord-cracked Dungeon Master won't save, it tries and comes up with a system error 41 and a couple of bombs, weird.  The Mega STe has been fully re-capped stem-to-stern, these issues were the same/similar before the board re-cap.  Followed all the recommendations for setting the Mega and 340 for HD operation, when trying to format the format program comes up with "High Density" in the dialog box but I have not been able to get a single HD floppy to format in HD.  When I first used the 340 in HD format, it did format for a little while then stopped and has never worked in HD since.  Any suggestions welcomed, thanks!

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