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How much?


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I think it depends on where you buy it from and what condition it is in. I think that in terms of price (highest to lowest) would be:


Atari vendor, eBay, personal sale


I'm sure you are aware of the pros and cons of buying from these places. I'd say probably $50-100+ US depending.


I got my 800 for $35.00 Canadian dollars from a personal sale, but the machine is yellowed (smokers) and the case has a one broken screw post. It works though. I've picked up 1050 disk drives for $15.00 Canadian at the local thrift store, and sold one on eBay for $51.00 USD.



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You might consider PM'ing Rob Catron; I know he has tons of 8-bit equipment. I also note that mcgrail0007 has a XEGS up for auction with the attractive price of $15, although you'll have to buy cables & the DD separately. He might be able to set you up with a "basic" XE package for about $35, though. :)

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How much should I expect to pay for a..


Atari 800 + Hookups

Disk Drive + Hookups

And a few common disks and carts.





Well for the 800 I personally paid 35 for


DD I got it from a trade with David :!:


And Disks you can kindly ask some one to make you copies

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