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Living in the past with Atari 2600/7800/NES/SMS/GENESIS/ETC


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When I think of computer games. I still think of 80’s to early 90’s stuff. I forget about high-end graphics, full screen video, and killer stereo sound. I think of Galaxian, Pac man, Pole Position, Super Mario Brothers, Rampage. Somebody comes to me and ask what games I have played recently. I yell out Paperboy, Wonder boy, Primal Rage, Chop Lifter, and need I go on? So they ask what system is that on? Play station 2, Xbox, Game cube? Sure, I say, some of them are. But to really experience you need something like Atari, Nes, and Genesis. Well isn’t that old school? Yes, It is and I love it.






P.S. Can’t forget about the C64 and my first experience of Ghost Buster.

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A thread custom built for the "Off-Topic" forum. I think the Atari 2600 was better than the NES or Genesis, especially before 1984. It seemed like Atari and other companies made more of a big deal about the games back then (early 1980s). The games, no matter how bad, seemed to walk down a red carpet with lights flashing and microphones pointing everywhere.


The NES and beyond had a few good games and they advertised their products, but it just didn't feel as important as when Atari, Activision, and others brought out a new game for the Atari 2600.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I had a VIC-20, a Commodore 64, and an Amiga 500. Out of all of those, I liked the VIC-20 the best because I played most of my first computer games on that (Scott Adams text adventure games, Lunar Lander, and so on) and I made a bunch of games in BASIC with very little trouble. Making games on other computers became much harder and almost impossible for me.

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Cool games are just cool games regardless of the hardware that was used to generate them. I think some of the current programmers on todays modern system need to be forced to make new games for the Atari 2600 so that they can learn to appreciate how to write a good game and not a game that is nothing more than a drawing exercise for a high end video card.

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As Ataridude stated, it's all about the cool games. Hell, I'm sort of playing my NES more now but it's special only because it's the first NES that I can get to work properly so I'm actively pursuing NES games again.


This doesn't mean that I'm shunning the 2600 or anything Atari. Right now, I just want to catch up with the NES and probably do some comparision between NES versions of games and their Atari counterparts.


This is a topic that's perfect for Classic Gaming forum but I will agree that Atari put out a lot of exciting releases and if people want to slag me for playing classic consoles, then they've got an identity crisis. I'm not into games for the hardware. I could care less what system a game is on. As long as it's fun and keeps me entertained, that is all I need. :D

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