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Burgertime Trick


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I was playing Burgertime earlier, and I was being HEAVILY pursued by that damn hot dog. Death was certain, I was stuck on the right edge of the screen and the hot dog was blocking the only ladder out of town. End of Chef, right? Alas NO! No I say! In a vain attempt to save my spatula, I just kept walking right, literally smacking my self into the invisible wall on the side of the screen. The Hot Dog loomed ever closer, this was it. When suddenly, the stupid tubular meat product went UP the ladder! That's right, UP the ladder. Now, I know what you are saying, "Sweet Mother McCree, you must be mad, man!"

But I'm not.

As a matter of fact, the poorly rendered sausage kept going up and down the ladder, paying me no mind at all!!!!!

But I wasn't out of this meat packing mishap yet, because as long as the Hot Dog was on the ladder, I was still effectively trapped on the edge of the screen, right?

Not quite, oh ye of little faith.

When the fiendish frankfurter ascended to the top of the ladder, I made a mad dash for the left side of the screen (well as mad as that slow ass chef will trot). Sure enough, I was able to slip past the dim-witted Dog and continue my game!



I am working on doing this repeatedly to make sure it was not just some odd glitch, but its a pretty cool way to get out of a tight spot. I'm also not sure if it will work on the left side of the screen. If anyone is interested I'll update this once I have played more.



Storytelling Stan ;) :spidey:

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It DOES work on the left side as well, but be warned Egg and whatever the hell the red square is supposed to be, can still reach you while they are on the ladder! Hot Dog and French Fry will still just blindly go by!


I've also seen them go DOWN ladders as well as up. And they don't have to be closing in on you. Hot Dog will get lost wherever he is on the screen if you do this trick!!! Stupid Hot Dog. :roll: :roll:


More updates as I play them!



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I've been talking to some other Burgertime gurus and here are some more observations about this trick:


The far right side is where I get caught by the flapping cheese and eggs. The Left side seems to be a safe haven from all baddies, since cheese and eggs flap to the right.

Bear in mind this trick will not work for all screens. For instance, on screen three, this trick will not work at the very top or very bottom, since the baddies have to come down a ladder to get to you, and therefore continue pursuit. It seems the trick only works where there is a ladder BETWEEEN you and the bad guy. ?????


I've also noticed that you need to keep walking toward the edge of the screen, right or left, to make the trick work.




More on this as it develops.



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I think its more tied into character location. If the chef is not located in the playfield, the intelligent food characters cannot locate him. Since walking off screen would place the chef outside of the playfield, the characters "lose" track of him as he presses against the side of the screen.


In level 1, all food AI is "take the first available ladder that is closet to the chef."


In level 2 through 6 (I think) the food AI is the same except that the Hot Dog now pursues the chef by trying to stay on the same scanline as he is. (there is some minor speed increase in character movement.)


Above level 6 (I think), the food AI speeds up significantly, and both the Hot Dog and French Fry track the chef.


Beyond that I do not know, as I cannot get past that point, but I will keep you posted! :)




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I'm just amazed anyone has the intenstinal fortitude to play this colon blocker of a turd of a game.


He's not playing Skeet Shoot silly.

Surely you dont mean to suggest this of Burger Time!!!?

Its a burg-tacular game. :D

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oh yes, i've always been repulsed by 2600 burgertime. Hate the speed, hate the collision detection, hate the flinchy blocks that chase you, hate the sound; I'm sure it doesn't help that I got it YEARS after the inty burgertime, and didn't play it as a kid.

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More updates!


There are only 5 different screens, at screen 6 the first screen repeats, etc.


Also I have been killed numerous times by food baddies that were supposedly vanquished by falling burger parts before they disappeared from the screen!


I've also verified that the trick works on both left and right sides of the screen, but only if there is ladder between you and the approaching baddie.



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