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Has anyone played the Atari 10-in-1 Joystick thing?


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Anyone tried this? :ponder: It's the old school Joystick with 10 games built in and you just plug it into your TV

I have seen it around for as much as $50!

(Yikes!) :P


What's the deal with Circus Atari and Breakout with a Joystick?


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I got one for Christmas last year. It's not bad as a diversion, and the packaging is certainly clever. It looks nice on a shelf in my game room.


The games are similar to, but not exactly, the real things. Just different enough to make you wonder they didn't try a little harder for more accurate sounds and gameplay. It's also really peculiar that they decided to package a bunch of paddle controlled games into a joystick-shaped handheld. There are certainly lots of classic joystick-based games they could've used instead.


Even knowing these things I would've bought one eventually (at $20 or less) but I probably enjoy it more knowing that someone else paid for it. :)


Anyway, as a couple other people have already said, try a search. There've been a couple threads about it. There are also similar all-in-one gizmos for Intellivision and Midway arcade games dicsussed over in the other forums.

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yeah,check out this video....







Man, the narrator is impossible to understand and sounds sooo disinterested.




Hey thats me 8)


The realplayer is very bad, sorry but ive got to keep the sizes down!


I was disinterested, i thought the idea was great but the bloody emulation was terrible.




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this is a lil off topic but heck who cares? Anyways would it be a good idea to use the inner circuitry for a smaller portable VCS with a built in screen?


Umm... your butt's showing.


I'm guessing the inner circuitry is nothing more than a small micro running a weak emulator. But sure, a 2600 portable that uses a low-power CPU and runs a decent emulator would work too, but would probably have problems using the original cartridges directly.



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Yeah. I had the Atari 10-in-1 TV Game thing. I sold it to the Game Emporium guy at the expo for $2. I paid $25 for it. It is pretty cool. It got me hungry for a real Atari. I started collecting again in March. I have a "heavy sixer" and 157 games already.


Anyway, if you don't have room for a real Atari, or you want something portable to carry on the road with you, the Atari 10-in-1 deal is a good buy. I hooked it up to my portable DVD player with 7 inch screen, my 13" VCR/TV combo, and my 27" Sony WEGA TV. It looked great on all three.

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I have one of these joysticks. The form factor is very cool, although the joystick base is a touch taller than a stock 2600 joystick. It seems to be well-built and has a very solid feel to it. Unfortunately, for us classic gamers who know the 2600 games inside and out, the differences between the included games and the originals will stick out like a sore thumb. The most obvious changes revolve around the sounds, which often aren't even close to the originals. There are also lots of graphic artifacts. And I scratch my head when I wonder why they included paddle games like Circus Atari. :?


I think it's a good effort, I just hope they improve on the concept for the next version. I think it's a great gift for people who haven't touched an Atari 2600 in over 20 years. Those people won't spot all the differences in the games, and they'll likely greatly enjoy reliving them again. But for those of us who collect and play 2600 games on a regular basis, it's more of an interesting curiosity rather than something we'd enjoy.



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