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Best game for a 2600 tournament?


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I'm considering having a video game tournament at work for our annual United Way drive. Various other departments do the usual bake sale, golf putt, or talent show. BOOOOR-RING!! I think many people here would get a kick out of this idea, and it may even get more people into this hobby of ours. I'm looking for opinions as to which games would make for interesting competition. They should be fairly common games that people would recognize even if they don't surf AtariAge all day! Initially I was thinking of some sort of timed Space Invaders competition, like 2 or 3 minutes to get your best score. Also under consideration are head-to-head type games like perhaps Video Olympics or Super Breakout - where people play against an actual opponent. May make for a more interesting competition, and there will be spectators, so we have to keep them interested too.



I figure at least 2 or 3 dozen people will sign up, it's for charity after all! Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. Oh, I am planning to use actual 2600 hardware to play the competition - I think that will add to the appeal - no emulators will be used! :D


Let me know what you all think.

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Agreed. Warlords is great, just for the four-player mayhem. Get 16 people, bracket them into 4 groups of 4 players. Each group plays. Winners of each group goes on to play for all the marbles. Ta-da.


Now, if you want to give them heart attacks, let them compete in Decathlon. High point total at the end wins, but you could also award medals for individual events.


Finally, get Party Mix by Starpath if you can. Lots of good 4-player games and cooperative stuff. Tug of War, Minecart, etc. Good stuff on there too.

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Demon Attack with the co-op option (games 9 and 10) sounds cool (or have people trade between waves).


Blackjack/Casino? I played them at my aunt's house a lot when I was a kid and we had lots of family around for New Year's and such (but, admittedly, they get old fast).


How's about the myriad of two-player Space Invaders options (alternating turns, competing at the same time, competing with alternating shots, one player moves + one player fires, etc.)?



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We have tournaments all the time when my kids have their buddies over - quick and fun with low learning curves is the recipe for fun.


Target Fun - it gets exciting when the scores start flashing


Indy500 - fast paced, furious action


Boxing - very simple and fun


Circus Atari - when beginners are playing, the games aren't too long and there's the humor factor


Basketball - again, simple and fun

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We've played several 2600 tournaments on the EuroCons that have been held so far. I remember playing the following games:


- Decathlon (make sure you bring at least 20 joysticks!)

- Warlords (we played the arcade version, but the VCS version is just as fun)

- Entombed (a surprisingly fun 2-player game!)

- Air Sea Battle (can you say "elimination"?)


Have fun! :)





PS: you may want to consider 8-player Dynablaster/Bomberman (Amiga, Saturn) - it's not 2600, but a real blast!

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