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Climber 5


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No, it isn't ready quite yet--about 95% complete.


Those of us who were at AGE got to see the enhanced version with random ladder placement and random girder movement. The girders flash briefly before changing direction. Each one moves independently. Needless to say, my patterns no longer work. :D


You can also reverse the girder direction by hitting the joystick button. It will cost you 500 points on the timer (it counts down by 100.) Once you retrieve the baseball, you get the points left on the timer. It starts at 5000 and you lose a life if it runs out.


Oh, it is sweet. Can't wait to buy it myself.

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Is it completed?  Any idea when this might be available for purchase at the store?


It looks as if I'll finally have a few extra bucks to throw around for a game or two next week.   :D


As Big Player stated, the game is _almost_ done, and Dennis Debro will continue to refine and test it until he's satisfied that it is finished. The manual also needs to be finished up, and will feature a comic by Jason Dvorak, who won the recent Climber 5 Label Contest.



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Hi all,


Yeah Climber 5 is almost done. My work schedule has delayed adding the last feature and I'm sorry for the delay. I really wanted to have this done for AGE. I guess my biggest stubbling block was the random ladders. I didn't anticipate it taking as long as it did.

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Okay, I made it to level 21 playing in the normal mode at the show. :P  ;)


Holy cow! I'm going to have to break out that cartridge and see how far I can get (sorry MegaMan Fan!) I'm surprised you could concentrate to get that far given the loud and busy nature of the expo. :)



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What's even more impressive was he was doing it to show off his skills at the game to me, all while I was yakking in his ear; at some point I expected him to tell me to STFU. :D Up until I watched him I was rather impressed I had gotten to the 5th mission on Thrust+ Platinum at the show, but he kinda blew that one right out of the water!


9, indeed. :D

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Okay, I made it to level 21 playing in the normal mode at the show. :P  ;)


Holy cow! I'm going to have to break out that cartridge and see how far I can get (sorry MegaMan Fan!) I'm surprised you could concentrate to get that far given the loud and busy nature of the expo. :)




I'm surprised I reached that high myself. My previous high score was level 13 using z26.


I started out to show MegaManFan my pattern on the normal level and how to get up the first ladder on level 5, where it starts to get tough. I wasn't even sitting in front of the 2600 with Climber 5--I was at the one to the right, more on that later.


While MegaManFan was talking the whole time, I was talking too, just explaining how to beat the game. I was relaxed and not even trying.


This was in the afternoon sometime so I was already used to the noise and clamor of the show. Halfway through my game a woman asked if she could use the 2600 I was sitting in front of. I told her to go ahead but I didn't move a bit. She may have been asking politely for me to get up.


Well, subtlety is lost on me when I'm playing Climber 5. Besides, she always could have sat on my lap if she really wanted to try Homestarunner.

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Big Player is going to write the "How To Beat Climber 5" book. :thumbsup:


I'll illustrate it, if need be. :D


Speaking of which, there are some minor cameos and references in the Climber 5 comic. Here's to C5's trivia section on atariage.com ;)




...who is dying on dial up waiting for his new DSL to arrive...

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