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Atari with sega controllers!!!


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Hey guys

I was reading the rare trivia on this site when I came across a guy claiming that Sega Genisis controllers are compatable with the Atari 2600 I tried it and it works great....best damn controllers ive ever used on the Atari 2600.


PS.Write back and post your opinions on the controller.

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I almost exclusivly use the sega arcade controller for the atari.. I just like the feal of it.. however.. when I rock the genesis.. I always plug the pads back in.


not to mention themega fire buton on the arcade stick kicks ass for astaroids, and space invaders.. just feels right. as well as pacman junior


allright.. official hijack.. lets give up the love for the sega Arcade controller!


and tantone.. if you dont have this controller.. get it.. it will change your world

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Yea, I love em for the 2 way slide and shoot games. I like the older, bigger one with only 3 buttons.


For some reason they don't work right with astrosmash, anybody know why?


For most games I still prefer a stick though.



I suspect the Genesis returns a signal on one of the pot lines, making Astroblast think there's a paddle connected.


Astroblast was a dual-mode game. It could work with either controller, and autodetected which was connected. A signal on a pot line'll fool it into thinking there's a pot, which means there's paddles connected. Hence, it goes into paddle mode.




Gah, beat me to it.

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Because Astrosmash is programmed to use the sticks or paddles.  The program could be getting confused since some of the wires dedicated to paddles are being used in the Sega controllers.


Same problem with Thrust+ DC edition. They obviously look like paddles to a game that cares. I had to dig out a 7800 stick (which I actually like) to work on the new Thrust+ competition.

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I almost exclusivly use the sega arcade controller for the atari.. I just like the feal of it.. however.. when I rock the genesis.. I always plug the pads back in.


not to mention themega fire buton on the arcade stick kicks ass for astaroids, and space invaders.. just feels right. as well as pacman junior


allright.. official hijack.. lets give up the love for the sega Arcade controller!


and tantone.. if you dont have this controller.. get it.. it will change your world


Why didn't I think of doing this? I've tried Genesis pads on the 2600 but felt like they cut down my reaction time too much. I'll have to keep an eye out for one of these now. One of the GameStops nearby has a 3rd party one made especially to play fighting games, but maybe I'll hold out for the real deal.


Or maybe I'll hack a thumbstick onto a spare Genny pad. Anybody tried this?

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Same problem with Thrust+ DC edition.  They obviously look like paddles to a game that cares.  I had to dig out a 7800 stick (which I actually like) to work on the new Thrust+ competition.

:idea: The reason of the problem with Thrust+ is, that it also supports the Omega Booster Grip which uses some paddle lines for the extra buttons.

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Does this mean that a Sega Genesis control pad can be used as a substitute for an Omega Race Booster Grip??


It would probably have to be rewired as when I turned on Thrust+DC with a 6-button gamepad connected it started the game automatically and the ship thrust off the top of the planet, firing all the way.


Not that this is a problem or a bug. (Hi Thomas :D )

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Found a Genesis arcade stick at a garage sale $1 this weekend! I really like the feel of it. It won't replace my CX-40 for everything but it will definitely get some use.


Hmm, since I had such good luck in this thread mentioning I'd keep an eye out for an arcade stick, I hereby announce that I will now keep an eye out for a booster grip and a MIB Quadrun. :)

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Last time I was at Funcolandstop they had two more arcade controllers both for $5, I shouldve snagged them.

I just really like the feel of them.


and come to think of it.. I had a booster grip before I had a Console to use it with.. first game I got when I went out collecting again was Omega race..


shame there aren't any other games that use it

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