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Handheld Atari


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damn galaga.. you beat me to it!


its a great site.. and it also teches you very efficiant ways to do Composite video and stereo hacks of the console.


I don't know if he makes any for sale anymore.. but he tells you how to do it yourself if yer son inclined


this is also the same guy who did the PSPortable..

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Paul Slocum had his VCSp at his table at AGE.  From what I could see, they are well crafted and extremely cool.  


Only drawback that I could see is there are no difficulty switches.



That's been my gripe with them since I originally saw them. I'm always suprised how few people notice that.

There's no B+W/Color switch either, but that's less important.



Having said that, they are pretty darn nifty.

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I saw Paul Slocum's VCSp. He was showing it to someone when I walked up. I've seen it on Ben Heckendorn's page, but it was even neater looking in real life. It is well crafted and very attractive.


Larry Ziegler is working on a 2600 portable that he is calling the 2600 CE. It looks very promising, also. Here is the page for it: http://www.classicgaming.com/2600ce/

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Yeah, that's my biggest complaint -- I do wish it had difficulty switches. I may add them at some point.


I also wish it had a port for controller 1 so I could play Marble Craze and a few other games, but that's not that big of a deal. I mainly use it with a multicart, and I'm going to just hack the few games that have controller problems. Like Wizard of Wor defaults to port 2, and Astroblast expects you to use the other paddle. Or maybe I could add a second paddle on the side? ;)


But overall it's really amazing. It's a fair amount of cash, but considering how much 2600 stuff I do, I had to have one.



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Seeing with all this discussion on this topic, maybe I could share my opinion on how I think a new 2600 handeld system made by Hasbro would be like.


Atari would have 2 new consoles, the Cougar and the Jaguar Extreme. The Jaguar Extreme would be a handheld that plays all old Jaguar games and some new ones. Aside from that, the Cougar would be the true super system. It would be playable with all old 2600, 7800 and Lynx games, plus special new ones. Like the old Mystique and Xonox games, the new cartridges, which would be the same size as 2600 cartridges, would be double ended, with 2 games on each side, one 2600, one 7800. Part of the game's label would be on the cart, but the main label would be the Lynx cart. You could snap the Lynx cart in the main cartridge for display and protection The 2600, 7800 and Lynx games would all be the same, in the same box, for only 20 bucks. 3 games for 20 bucks new! What a deal! But a special promotion would allow you to get the same game for the 5200, if you own the Cougar 52000 adapter. For only 5 bucks more, you will get the 5200 version of that game.


Main system:


The Cougar would be vertically designed, like the Game Boy Color. It would run off 2 rechargable lithium ion AA batteries. The screen would be backlit. The system will include all the buttons on the Lynx, as well as 2600 difficulty switches, color/b&w switch, reset button, and a dial for paddle 2600 games. A lock button would also be included for the paddle. When the lock button is turned off, the paddle controller will become a driving controller for Indy 500! The A button would serve as Fire for playing 2600 games. 2600/7800 games would fit on top of the console, while Lynx games would fit on the bottom. The extension port for the Lynx will be on the Cougar for ComLynx games, plus new accessories and services, including new keypads for the games that use Kids controllers or Video Touch Pads. A 2600/7800 controller port would serve use for 2 player games for 2600 or 7800, or for link battling for players with a Cougar Link cable and another system. Just like the GB Advance, link games only need one cart. The system will have a volume control, headphone jack, AC adapter port and the afromentioned extension ports. The Cougar's screen can NOT flip upside down for left handed people like the Lynx did.


That's just my idea on how Hasbro and Atari (formerly Infogrames) might make new Atari handhelds.

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Seeing with all this discussion on this topic, maybe I could share my opinion on how I think a new 2600 handeld system made by Hasbro would be like.
Where does Hasbro come in? They sold everything. They wanted out of games, and they got out fast.


Atari would have 2 new consoles, the Cougar and the Jaguar Extreme. The Jaguar Extreme would be a handheld that plays all old Jaguar games and some new ones.

Dear Granas. Does no one consider battery life when designing portables?



Aside from that, the Cougar would be the true super system. It would be playable with all old 2600, 7800 and Lynx games, plus special new ones. ...  52000 adapter.

Why? I can see handheld VCS/7800, and while a stretch I can see 5200 compatibility being possible, but the Lynx has no hardware similarities whatsoever. There's no point to putting it in the same system, it just complicates things needlessly.


Of course, none of the 4 can really compete in the modern marketplace, so it's not really relevant.



Like the old Mystique and Xonox games, the new cartridges, which would be the same size as 2600 cartridges, would be double ended, with 2 games on each side, one 2600, one 7800. Part of the game's label would be on the cart, but the main label would be the Lynx cart. You could snap the Lynx cart in the main cartridge  for display and protection The 2600, 7800 and Lynx games would all be the same, in the same box, for only 20 bucks. 3 games for 20 bucks new! What a deal!
That makes NO sense whatsoever.

I'd even go so far as to say it's just plain dumb.


First, you're packing 3 games into one box. The Lynx version's the only one that's gonna get played, so why bother?


Second, this is a PORTABLE SYSTEM. A VCS/7800 cart is way too big for that purpose on it's own, but a double-ender?


Third, what's convincing people do design for ANY of these systems, much less all 3? It's obsolete hardware, and from a commercial standpoint there's no point to learning 6502 assembly to see what can be milked out of the VCS.


The Cougar would be vertically designed, like the Game Boy Color.

You. Are. Evil.


The system will include all the buttons on the Lynx, as well as 2600 difficulty switches, color/b&w switch, reset button, and a dial for paddle 2600 games.

Is it a handheld or a plane dashboard?


The Cougar's screen can NOT flip upside down for left handed people like the Lynx did.

Then the directionals better be under the right hand to begin with.

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It would be cool if a 2600 had a small hard drive in it so that u could upload vcs roms into it. Almost like an Ipod for gaming..(Man! I gotta stop dreaming)


Anyways, does anyone know if that "atari in a chip" project is still going on? There hasn't been an update for quite a while. This project seems like our only hope for a very small portable.

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I have built a handheld atari myself, but without a screen. (the thing in the upper left corner of my avatar) If you wanna see a bigger, better picture or it go to http://www.doomportables.org/status.html


Also, the guy on the first vcsp site is selling his newest version, the Rev 6, right now. If you ask him nicely (and maybe give him a few extra dollars) he might be able to add the difficulty switches


It would be cool if a 2600 had a small hard drive in it so that u could upload vcs roms into it. Almost like an Ipod for gaming..(Man! I gotta stop dreaming)


I would be very surprised if the atari had any way of recognizing an hd, but if you manage to do that, it should be pretty easy to fit it into the vcs case.

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diidnt somebody port a 2600 emu to the Gamepark 32?


i used to own a VCSp, sadly i lost my job last year and had to sell it to make ends meet :(


of course, since the 2600 just uses a regualr 9V power supply, you "could" just nab a generic PSone screen (toys r us had a 4 inch model on clearance for 50 bucks, last time i went there), and use that screen with a 2600jr. Not a handheld, but the arrangement would be smaller than a laptop computer

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Yes, the 2600 was ported to the GP32 (twice), although niether emulator is 100% yet (although they look great and you can tell a huge effort has been put into them). They both are a tad slow, and if you use frameskipping, there are collision detection (or actually lack of collision detection) problems.


I'm not trying to bash anyone - both of them show great promise and I can't wait for either of them to be full speed (hoping that's possible...) I'm constanatly looking on the GP32 site for new releases of either of these emulators.

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If the 2600 on a chip ever gets done (or I could find one of the very

rare late-model 2600jrs that have one), I'm going to build 2600

support into a portable for another system. Got a couple consoles

in mind that no one has made portables for yet (and no one has

ever made a portable for dual systems -- hah :twisted: )

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