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Do any of yall ever get fustrated and somtimes tell yourself :




Then back up think about it and say:




I dont think ill ever be able to part with my 2600 collection im taking to the grave with me :D


Heck i find it hard to not collect every 2600 cart i can find even if it is combat and i do have 10,000 of em :twisted:

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Do any of yall ever get fustrated and somtimes tell yourself :




Then back up think about it and say:




I dont think ill ever be able to part with my 2600 collection im taking to the grave with me  :D  


I hear ya man! I get like that....'specially when the credit card statement comes and I see just how much I've spent!



Heck i find it hard to not collect every 2600 cart i can find even if it is combat and i do have 10,000 of em  :twisted:


Well.....I don't know if I'd take it that far though.... :D :roll:

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Don't do it! Collecting's in your blood man. You're just gonna buy it all again and pay twice as much later. I have gone through this multiple times and each sucked a little bit more than the previous time (I now own my 4th N64).


Trust me - forget it. Maybe if you just stop buying for a bit, you'll feel better about it all..

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Do any of yall ever get fustrated and somtimes tell yourself :




Then back up think about it and say:




I dont think ill ever be able to part with my 2600 collection im taking to the grave with me  :D  






I know what you mean I feel the same way sometimes.Heck I almost sold both my Jaguar Voice Modems the other day! What was I thinking...

At times like this just box your collection up and throw it in the basement.Sooner or later youll go back to it and thank yourself for not selling it :)



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lately i have been feeling like i want to sell alot of my collection, except for a few certain systems, but i keep having that same arguement in my own head,


BAD ME: i dont play all these systems

GOOD ME: yea but look at how nice it all looks

BAD ME: sell 80% of your collection and put it towards a new car

GOOD ME: but i have a decent job i dont need to sell any of it

BAD ME: get a damn credit card/checking account and start selling on ebay

GOOD ME: screw that i am to lazy to wait an hour at the post office :D

BAD ME: you are hopeless :x

GOOD ME: I know you are but what am i? :P





ok time for professional help

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Money in the true scheme of life is not important. Your happiness is. If buying an Atari game brings you a little bit of happiness, then it was money well spent. I love my Atari collection even if it is smaller than most people hear because each cartridge brings back a memory of playing with a friend, or was a story in obtaining the cartridge in the first place.


I don't think I could ever sell them unless I was truly desparate for money.

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I had thought about selling my Odyssey2 today but I changed my mind. I just needed to make sure that my rent is paid next week.


I don't want to part with my 2600 collection. I hope to have kids later on so I can pass it on to them...but not before teaching them the value of playing and collecting Atari games.

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You know, I hear you guys, and I understand your pain. Beacuse I'm such a great guy, I'll help you out and support your kicking the habit. I think you SHOULD sell your collection, but what's more, you should sell it for practically nothing. That way, the pain of having lost so much money to such a foolhardy pasttime will ensure that you never start up the hobby again. Accordingly, I will help you carry your burden, and strongly suggest that you sell that collection, cheaply like I said, to me. :D

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Here in Canada we have a nifty store called Value Village. It is a chain store of donated second hand records, tapes, clothes CD's, kids toys, stereos, game consoles, books, etc.


They price all things the same, all cassettes are 99 cents, magazines are 29 cents, atari carts are 49 cents, NES are 1.99, Atari 2600's are $5, Nintendo NES go for $5 as well, spare joysticks are $2,...and so on.


My entire Atari 2600, 7800, Intellivision, and NES collection has come from this store. No cart has ever cost more than the standard 49 cents as they have neither the time nor inclination to research rarity, value, etc. Works out good for me!


Sorry to upset some of you 'mericans paying $100 a cart. Guess it is just better here in Canada! ;)


Tongue firmly in cheek, Derek.

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