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Stop collecting?Not likely.I've made the mistake of buying different game systems off of ebay,because I got sick of watching those $150+ Atari 2600 auctions.

Am I running out of room?Yes,but once I build my house,I'll have much more room...(this is not a joke,by next fall I will be moving into a $110,000 home that I will have slaved on for a year)

So where are those Atari Anonymous meetings anyway?

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Never NEVER will i sell my lot! I dont care if it takes up too much room, I dont care if people think im weird. It keeps me happy, keeps me out of trouble and ive always been a video game junky so the fix is always there in one form or another. Sometimes i get sick of playing but its only a short boredom. Unlike most hobbies you can interact with games and change the scenario as you like.

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Hello my name is Ed and I...I'm (must have the strenght to admit it) I'm...I'm an Atari addict... (phew that was so hard to admit) :wink:


Last week I bought a Box filled with Atari stuff, inside were 25 gamecarts and 3 consoles, a 2600 Vader, a 7800 and a Sega Genesis that got in the way, the fun part was that in the mix of carts were like 6 Combats and 5 Asteroids and like 3 Missile Command now what will I do with all those duplicates, perhaps sell them, perhaps store them along with my other 200 carts and the other dozen of Atari consoles taking up space just for the sake of it mwahahaha :twisted: (btw this is the part where Dark clouds and Thunders with Heavy Rain appear in the background)


This is a Cry for Help! :D :D :D :D

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Eh my dad helped me finish putting together a shelf for all my carts. It holds everything except for my Genesis carts. I should be alright for a while.


Meanwhile, I got a hole crapload of duplicates that I'm going to end up selling as I anticipate little or no money to be kept from my check tmw...mostly towards rent and one game that I won on EBay.


Eh well.


A $27.50 boxed copy of White Water. I wish I had been outbid...barely have that kind of money.

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My collecting craze has been toned down lately, but then this weekend I found some awesome finds like Chase the Chuckwagon and Miner 2049er. Also found a working CV Roller Controller which I've never found in the last 6 years. It's finds like these that keep the craze rolling. :D

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Well I'm a bit overwhelmed by everything that I got this weekend but it's all good so far. I got a lot of 2600 commons but I'm most likely selling them off very shortly as I don't have much money left to spend after making my rent. Eh well.

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Speaking of roller/trackball controllers, I really like the boxed Un-Roller controllers that I got.


I've started up a separate controllers list for my 2600 seeing how I have so many.


And the Trak Balls are very trusty as well. I have 3! I'm looking to get rid of 2 and keep 1 soon.

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Hi there!


Do you know that feeling too: First you're bidding way too much for something on eBay and then you're like: "Thank heavens, someone outbid me" :ponder: :wink:





It's worse when you want to "LOSE" an auction because you changed your mind. I won like 4 or 5 last night that I would have preferred to loose.




I'm getting my butt kicked today on auctions, so I guess that makes up for it.

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Do any of yall ever get fustrated and somtimes tell yourself :




Then back up think about it and say:




I dont think ill ever be able to part with my 2600 collection im taking to the grave with me  :D  


Heck i find it hard to not collect every 2600 cart i can find even if it is combat and i do have 10,000 of em  :twisted:


Short answer: NO!!! :P

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