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How many times a day do you got to ebay DONT LIE!!!!!!!!


It's been a while since I looked at Ebay. At least three weeks. Maybe longer. It's very rare that something turns up on Ebay that I don't already have/have access to that I want, so I haven't been checking the listings.

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How many times a day do you got to ebay DONT LIE!!!!!!!!


I bet I surf it 400 times a day!!!!!! :D  


In search of the ultimate atari newbie that doesnt know what he has and puts a stupid BIN on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I probably check it 1-5 times a day when I'm at work. If I'm not at work, I probably never check it. But I like checking out the highest priced auctions for different Atari systems. It's always interesting to see what rare games show up and how much they go for. :D

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Aww come on.


All you need is a form of self control.


I'm no longer thinking of quitting.


I've found a balance by selling off commons that I've gotten from friends. It's supposed to help make back what I lost on EBay. I dunno.

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Voch called it--the album is Fountains of Wayne's "Utopia Parkway." Truthfully, their latest album that came out last month, "Welcome Interstate Managers" might even be better, but the cover doesn't look as good reduced, so I went with the UP cover instead. If you liked the UP album, though, I STRONGLY suggest getting WIM--it will utterly blow you away with some great power pop and even a country tune thrown in for good measure. To give you an idea of the quality, Blender (Maxim's music mag) gave it a full 5 stars. It's just a fun, fun record from beginning to end. :D


End of Infomercial. :!:

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I only check out Ebay when I am looking for a specific cartridge. I am currently working on completing collections from specific companies. Granted it was easy to get addicted to Ebay until my pocket book started complaining and saying to stop :D

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I do the eBay thing now and again but have made fewer and fewer purchases since I have almost all the commons for the 2600 (okay, not really, but all the 1's and all but two of the 2's). When I get a new system that I've never had before I may use eBay to pick up new commons. I do more Atari 2600 purchasing now from some online stores, thrift stores, and flea markets.



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yea i can relate, there is always a small voice in me that says 'go zen, sell it all, you have most of it on emulators anyway!' but its always swallowed by the 'OOOH WHAT NEW 2600* GAMES IS COMING OUT NEXT???' )*and other systems from time to time( or the >DAMN I ONLY NEED [X] GAMES TO COMPLETE MY {Y} COLLECTION!!! MUST BUY MORE!!!<

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More is NOT always better.


In my case, the duplicates are a pain in the ass as you can see in the Marketplace forum..I'm still trying to get rid of some.


They're perfect for someone who wants to start a subset of Sears text labels. I used to have dozens of games with those labels.


I'm a fool. I can't even afford a digital camera to take pictures of what I have and sell it on EBay. I'm asking for a digital camera for my b-day or Christmas this year...LOL.


Someone sent me a Shark!Shark! cart for the INTV yesterday that I don't remember asking about or paying for. Hmm. Perhaps they trust me enough to unload it on me?

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