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Finally some new games (and they're good ones, too)

King Atari

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Well, had a $20 bill left over from the Toronto Rocks concert, so I went down to my favorite game shop (after Funco failed to have the Indiana Jones and the Infernal machine N64 cart they had had for the past few weeks or so). First I head over to the N64 carts, maybe I'll get lucky and they'll have an Indy. No such luck, but an even better cart (and you better believe it, I passed up Conker's Bad Fur day for $10!). Tony Hawk 3 for $10, the last N64 cart made. Yep, I said screw it to the whole must have it sealed thing, no one has one around here.


Annyyyways, next up is the 2600 carts, since the NES and Genesis cases held nothing attention grabbing. There were four carts that interested me here, and each was $5, meaning I could only get two of 'em (for those of you who can't add):




Fast Food

He Man


Each one is rated a 4, so I couldn't go wrong rarity wise. But, this decision was easy. I had been searching everywhere for He Man, so I naturally picked that up, and then I grabbed Porky's, which was one of the first games I became addicted to on emulator, plus I think it's just cool. Entombed was a bit hard to pass up, maybe I'll go back sometime to see if they still have it. Fast Food was hardly a factor, since I find it fun for about 5 minutes.


Anyways, I'm happy with today's finds. And now, to keep this really relevent to the 2600 forum, how do you freakin' beat Porky's?! What do you do in the room where the chick is showering?

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Head back for that Entombed game! It's great. And the two player head-to-head action kicks ass.


The only flaw in the game is the difficulty ramps too quickly, once you reach 20. If I could ever figure out how to hack the difficulty levels, I would. I suspect this will be forever way beyond me.

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If I recall correctly, you have to push the objects that appear down the hole at the bottom of the screen.


Yeah, I just figured that out now. I had been trying to push them on top of the fat lady. Right now I'm working on the level with the guy in the cowboy hat (keep in mind I haven't seen the movie).

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