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XEGS problems


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I take it that the XEGS was not popular?


Is it just a piece of crap or something?


Well seeing how no one has bothered to help out, eh well then. Looks like the XEGS has gotta go then.


I'm now 0-2 when it comes to Atari computers..as in how many I've had that didn't work. :(

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When I boot up my XEGS, all I get is a black screen.


I've cleaned some of the games with rubbing alcohol and cleaned around the cartridge slot. Still nothing happens.


Could I have a dead unit?


This may sound overly simplistic, but it's possible that your power supply might have died. I've had a few XE power supplies die on me over the years due to power surges, old age, etc.


Does the LED light indicate that the system is "on" when you boot it up?

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The light does come on David.


I have another XEGS power supply lying around that I will use. I'll check the voltage and amperage ratings before using it.


I have no way to test it before plugging it in so it's still worth a shot.


Thanks for the help. I'll have it checked out and then respond.

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Neither power supply works. I get a screen but to clarify, there's round beads of different colors on it..not a black screen.


Could both supplies be shot then? I might have another supply to use but I doubt it.


Oh well. I dunno what to do.

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Easier said than done.


They're not easy to find around here.


I found mine and it was a one of a kind find.


I might just have to wait for a long time. I don't have any money for a spare unit if that is indeed the problem.

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They're not easy to find around here.



Well, in my own experience, eBay is a decent way to replace an Atari computer. I bought my XEGS that way about a year ago, and it's worked well enough. If you "watch" eBay for a while and catch the trends, you might be able to snag a good deal.

Also, you might be able to buy, say, the game unit only. Those sell for next to nothing, usually.


Say, have you tried booting the machine with AND without the keyboard? Not that I know what I am talking about or anything, but perhaps the keyboard is bad and it's giving you a false reading??


I've only owned the one XEGS, so I can't be of much more help, but if you find out for certain that the power supply and the keyboard work, try to snag a replacement game unit.

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How much would it cost to do this?


Send a PM.


I'm pretty much sure that I don't want to bother with it if it won't work. If it can be fixed, Great! I have some XE only cartridges and that's the primary reason why I want to use it. I also have some regular 8 bit cartridges.

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