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A nagging question about emulators


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Ok, here goes.


I've been seeing how people can open up zip files of games and play them in emulators.


However, I cannot figure out what I need for an emulator in order to try out zip files of hacks and homebrew on Atariage.


Can anyone point me to a specific program that I need along with instructions for how to use it? This would be a TREMENDOUS help and it might help me decide which homebrews/hacks I like the most for when I ever decide to buy such things.

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If you are using Windows XP (and possibly Windows 2000, I'm not sure), just download the .zip file. It will show up in windows explorer as a zipped folder. Click on extract all files and it will extract the file(s) and then just run it like any other .bin file. If you have an older version of Windows, you need to get Winzip from Winzip.com. It's been a while since I've been to the site, but I think they have a shareware version. You can use it to unzip .zip files.


When you get that figured out, check out my post "Good news and bad news." I just posted a new homebrew game that I finished writing today.


Hope this helps

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I give up.


I tried extracting the files and when I drag the bin for a game onto the z26 program, it claims that a dll file is missing and nothing happens.


Is there a better emular for Win98? This stuff is pretty confusing for starters.

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Z26 is pretty easy. The DOS version has a built in front-end; just put the .bin files in the same directory as the emulator and click on Z26.EXE file to start it up. Game selection is mouse driven once you're in.


No internal front-end for the Windows version yet but there is a separate one called x26 that's pretty good.


If you're running Win98, I'd suggest starting with DOS Z26 first.

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Well I'm running StellaX now and it's really good for me.


I got to level 12 on the rom of Elk Attack that was supplied...25,960 points.


Not bad for a first shot at a homebrew rom.


I'll stick with StellaX for now.




Big thanks to StanJr for his help.

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I tried installing z26 but I see nothing




I open it and it says version 2.10 but I see nothing on the screen.


I have the same exact problem when i try out the windows versions z26. it's weird. the same thing happens when i drag a rom to it. I have Win XP though. Don't get me started on the dos version.


*update* I got it started. nevermind

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Well I'm running StellaX now and it's really good for me.


I got to level 12 on the rom of Elk Attack that was supplied...25,960 points.


Not bad for a first shot at a homebrew rom.


I'll stick with StellaX for now.



Trouble with StellaX is that it hasn't been updated in awhile and, thus, won't run some of the homebrews or new dumps (such as Pleiades).


If you were trying Z26 2.10, then you had the Windows version. Seriously, try the DOS one.

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I tried extracting the files and when I drag the bin for a game onto the z26 program, it claims that a dll file is missing and nothing happens.

Do you remember the name of the DLL?


Sdl.dll? If yes, then just copy it from the z26 folder into your windowssystem folder.


You should really try to make z26 working since StellaX can not play a lot of homebrews (including Thrust and Jammed ;)) and demos (e.g. FuKung) plus some recently release protos (like Pleiades, Funky Fish).


:idea: If you associate (Explorer: view, options, filetypes) .bin files with your favourite emulator you can just (double)click those files and the emulator will play them.

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I'm also using the DOS version of Z26 along with StellaX. I think StellaX has been better for most of the roms but Z26 will definitely work with newer games.


By the way Thomas, how does Thrust work anyway? I'm clueless.

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No problems.


Of all the homebrews/hacks I've played so far, I really like Elk Attack. As simple as it is, it's very addictive for me. If it was in cartridge form, I'd snatch it up in a second. I did hear that it was sold through Hozer before and might not be on cartridge though.

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