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Atari A-Z


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I know this is kind of silly, but I just realized today with the acquisition of Xenophobe for 2600 that I now have one of every letter in the alphabet for Atari, and call me crazy but I was stoked. :D Here's a list I culled using Atari games made +by+ Atari where possible:


A: Adventure

B: Bowling

C: Centipede

D: Defender

E: E.T.

F: Football

G: Gremlins

H: Haunted House

I: Indy 500

J: Jr. Pac-Man

K: Krull

L: Laser Gates (Imagic) - odd, no Atari by Atari starts with L

M: Ms. Pac-Man

N: Night Driver

O: Othello

P: Pac-Man

Q: Q*Bert (red label) - what you thought I owned a Quadrun?

R: Road Runner

S: Secret Quest

T: Taz

U: Up'N'Down (Sega) - best I could do I'm afraid

V: Vanguard

W: Warlords

X: Xenophobe

Y: Yar's Revenge

Z: Zaxxon (Coleco)


Hmm, not bad - 23 out of 26 letters are actual Atari by Atari. There must be at least one L, but I'm pretty sure I won't find a U or a Z. :(

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Hmm, not bad - 23 out of 26 letters are actual Atari by Atari.  There must be at least one L, but I'm pretty sure I won't find a U or a Z. :(


I don't think there are any Atari titles that begin with L, U, or Z. I took a quick look through our database to confirm this.



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Cool! I've wanted Xenophobe and Up 'N' Down for just that reason.


Nice to know somebody other than me shares my form of insanity. :D


I don't think there are any Atari titles that begin with L, U, or Z. I took a quick look through our database to confirm this.


Bummer. :(

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I know this is kind of silly, but I just realized today with the acquisition of Xenophobe for 2600 that I now have one of every letter in the alphabet for Atari, and call me crazy but I was stoked. :D  Here's a list I culled using Atari games made +by+ Atari where possible:


A: Adventure

B: Bowling

C: Centipede

D: Defender

E: E.T.

F: Football

G: Gremlins

H: Haunted House

I: Indy 500

J: Jr. Pac-Man

K: Krull

L: Laser Gates (Imagic) - odd, no Atari by Atari starts with L

M: Ms. Pac-Man

N: Night Driver

O: Othello

P: Pac-Man

Q: Q*Bert (red label) - what you thought I owned a Quadrun?

R: Road Runner

S: Secret Quest

T: Taz

U: Up'N'Down (Sega) - best I could do I'm afraid

V: Vanguard

W: Warlords

X: Xenophobe

Y: Yar's Revenge

Z: Zaxxon (Coleco)


Hmm, not bad - 23 out of 26 letters are actual Atari by Atari.  There must be at least one L, but I'm pretty sure I won't find a U or a Z. :(


I have my Atari carts stored in alphabetical order. One thing I noticed that I thought was weird is that there are very few carts that start with the letter N. Isn't "N" one of the first letters people pick in Wheel of Fortune? Probably not the best way to judge how common a letter is. :D

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And did you ever note how many carts start with "S"? On my shelves, almost an entire shelf is dedicated to "S", as I have them stored alphabetically, too. (Of course, it doesn't help that I have 5 space invaders... :roll:) But there seems to be an awful lot of "Space *" and "Star *".

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I've noticed that too. I always theorized that game makers must have had some market research that said "space sells" and "gamers love sci-fi" so they figured "star this" and "space that" would sell almost any piece of crap; given how many titles bear these names it must have worked.

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And did you ever note how many carts start with "S"?  On my shelves, almost an entire shelf is dedicated to "S", as I have them stored alphabetically, too.  (Of course, it doesn't help that I have 5 space invaders...  :roll:)  But there seems to be an awful lot of "Space *" and "Star *".


There are also several games that have "Cosmic" in the title. I guess that was a "cool" word back in the early 80's or something.

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Here is the distribution of US-released games across the letters of the alphabet:


# 1

A 20

B 34

C 45

D 24

E 10

F 22

G 21

H 8

I 6

J 7

K 13

L 7

M 37

N 3

O 9

P 26

Q 5

R 27

S 91

T 26

U 2

V 9

W 9

X 2

Y 1

Z 2


Nothing even comes close to "S" with 91 (19%). "C" is second with 45, the word Cosmic being a major contributor there. The common letter "N" surprisingly has but 3 titles, even less than "Q"! The 5 most frequent letters (B, C, M, R and S) make up 50% of the entire Atari 2600 library.

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