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ADE vs AtariMax cart?


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The ADE lineup of drives is only compatible with up to 32K rom image files. If the SGM REQUIRED game rom image is 32K or less, it should work but as Sean Myers states in the instructions... there could still be compatibility issues with some rom images. Remember, the ADE lineup is still in BETA even though the firmware is very mature at this point.


In order to break the 32K barrier, support for bank-switching carts that can range in size from 64K on up to I think 1024K, Sean would have to add support in the firmware just like Steve Tucker had to add it to the AtariMax Ultimate SD Cart and emulator authors have to add it to their software emulators. I am not sure if it is possible in the case of the ADE lineup, but if it is and witnessing Sean's aggressive approach to updating the firmware, the possibility would be good.


Aside from that, the AtariMax Ultimate SD Cart is an incredible product and is a very worthwhile purchase. Just buy it through the AtariMax website and not from any yahoos on eBay.


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