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Beyond Castle Wolfenstein--Game Help


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I've been trying to get back into BCW, but every time I start the game I'm in a seemingly exitless room with two dead guards. I played both this & the original a lot when I was a kid but have not touched them since. I know the basic commands (holstering/unholstering gun, firing the gun [who thought the start button was a good idea for that?], searching guards via space bar) but can't figure this out from the room I seem to be trapped in.


All the online docs I've found are for Apple or C64, which had different commads. I've not seen anything that discusses this first room.


My guess is that one of the drawings on the screen is an area I must exit from, but I've had no luck.


Anybody know how to get out or what I should be looking for?





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I got in a few games yesterday but was only able to get to the 2nd floor. I didnt see anything like you described, although maybe you were in a room w/ an elevator & didnt see its door? But there'd have to be a doorway OUT...& the guards wouldnt be dead...


I'd guess there's a problem w/ the version as you said above...it was fun playing it again tho! Waiting around corners to kill unsuspecting guards, moving to influence their paths, silent killing w/ a dagger so others dont hear... :D

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