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Atarius Maximus

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After a long evening of playing my new copy of Skeleton+, I decided to throw in my copy of the original Thrust (non-DC, non-platinum, the oldest one). I really, really want to like this game, but it's so D!#@ hard it's frustrating! Can any of you thrust experts give me any tips, tricks, or hints to getting better at this game? Am I missing something? I seem to last about 30 seconds before my game is over. Ugh!



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My advice is that it's all about the gentle nudge. "Thrust" describes what you have to do accurately - burn little bursts of fuel for the uplift that keeps you from being sucked in by killer gravity. Once you've got a "nudge" technique going, then you can start to trick out a little bit; like spinning around to shoot something and returning to face up so you can "re-nudge" and not lose your place. Gentle nudging is also the technique to descending downward on the later levels. If you try to fly stiff, you're either not going to slow down in time or you're not going to thrust up enough to compensate. You almost have to fly at a ten degree angle to the left or right. Pick ups will really strain you on the twisty levels, because you have to remember the pendulum effect they have from your momentum and the fact that if they crash, you crash (too bad you can't "cut" a bad load to bail out). It's all about patience. If you rush it, you die. As fun as it is, it's definitely not for those who crave lots of high speed action. Slow and steady wins this race.

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blow up the planets.


Hit the nuclear plant 14 times, then go get the fuel cell. As you leave the planet, hit the nuclear plant one last time to blow up the planet. The bonus points will get you extra ships quicker. I've gotten up to the reverse gravity levels - those are tricky.


Note - I've got the platinum version

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blow up the planets.


Hit the nuclear plant 14 times, then go get the fuel cell.  As you leave the planet, hit the nuclear plant one last time to blow up the planet.  The bonus points will get you extra ships quicker.  I've gotten up to the reverse gravity levels - those are tricky.

Ok, you can do that in some levels to progress faster, BUT you won't get the skills necessary for the later levels and when you try to beat the game (which is possible) this will be considered as cheating.

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blow up the planets.


Hit the nuclear plant 14 times, then go get the fuel cell.  As you leave the planet, hit the nuclear plant one last time to blow up the planet.  The bonus points will get you extra ships quicker.  I've gotten up to the reverse gravity levels - those are tricky.

Ok, you can do that in some levels to progress faster, BUT you won't get the skills necessary for the later levels and when you try to beat the game (which is possible) this will be considered as cheating.

What? Blowing up the planet or the 14 hit method ?

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