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Which Homebrew should be the first?


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You mean that you plan to purchase one? Or do you plan to actually make one?


If you can, download a emulator and the roms for the games you are interested in. This could help you decide on what you want to purchase if that is the route you are taking.

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I know there have been previous threads asking this very same question, so you might want to use the search feature and see if you can find some previous input on this question. I'd look for you right now but I'm about to watch a movie at a friend's house. :) You can also look through the reviews in the store for additional insight.



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Also Albert, as I suggested, he could download roms that are sometimes posted in threads. He'd have to search but it's one way to determine whenever something is desirable or not.


Yes, that's also a good suggestion. Binaries have been released for most homebrew games and they can all be downloaded from AtariAge. You can also find links to the various emulators here. I suggest using z26 for Windows.



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As for homebrews, I'd definitely go for a copy of Elk Attack.


Eh well.


I saw plenty that I liked. I think Venture II rocks and it makes me realize that I'm so ignorant that I haven't really bothered with Venture. Hmm. Looks like I'll be checking it out later.

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You can NEVER go wrong with Marble Craze (it carries my personal guarantee). But I'd say if you are just starting out, pick up Space Treat (deluxe). Its a great little game, very plug and play, and you can get good at it quick. Its a very solid, well made Homebrew.


But yeah, if I were you I'd download an emu and try before you buy (just remember that games on a emu are better on a real system. :)




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You can NEVER go wrong with Marble Craze (it carries my personal guarantee).

Nine hours after the question? You are slowing-down Stan! ;) :D


And I wonder why nobody mentioned e.g. Qb and Oystron so far. There are so many great (or very good) homebrews.


And many of them have been reviewed by orther people (e.g. http://videogamecritic.net , www.atarinvader.com or right here in the store).

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Here are the homebrews I own. Every one is excellent.

They all get my endorsement.


Marble Craze

Thrust +





Space Treat Deluxe


I was also going to buy QB at AGE, but someone bought the last one. That's what I get for waiting till the end of the show. No worries, I'll just order it when Climber 5 is finished. :D

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