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Earlier version of Rockball RELEASED!!


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The 9-7 rom is weird.  It seems to be exactly the same as the cartridge that was found (with roms labeled final) but the first half of the rom is empty or has been zeroed out.  Maybe this is where some copy protection went?  The roms play exactly the same otherwise and the rest of the code is exactly the same too.

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  • 9 months later...

I had some time to finally examine the ROM dumps. Turns out, Rockball is a 12 KB game. The final ROM dump of Rockball (published here) contains the same data in the 1st and 2nd 4 KB blocks. The 9-7 proto posted above differs from the final ROM only in that the 1st 4 KB is empty (zeros). So in reality it is the exact same version as the final one.


As a side note, is Sept. 7th the correct date for this prototype? I'm seeing at AtariProtos that the 9/7/83 prototype is described as different from the final version, which conflicts with my findings. Which entry at AtariProtos corresponds to the ROM posted above?

Edited by Kr0tki
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  • 1 year later...

Any chance someone could make an XEX/ATR of Rockball with no extra lives and only 3 lives to start with?

Thank you ;)



We're playing a few games that have not been played before in the High Score Club...



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On 11/21/2021 at 4:56 PM, Kr0tki said:

I had some time to finally examine the ROM dumps. Turns out, Rockball is a 12 KB game. The final ROM dump of Rockball (published here) contains the same data in the 1st and 2nd 4 KB blocks. The 9-7 proto posted above differs from the final ROM only in that the 1st 4 KB is empty (zeros). So in reality it is the exact same version as the final one.


As a side note, is Sept. 7th the correct date for this prototype? I'm seeing at AtariProtos that the 9/7/83 prototype is described as different from the final version, which conflicts with my findings. Which entry at AtariProtos corresponds to the ROM posted above?

I just saw this, I don't think that date is right since I have this version listed as having the zeroed out 4K and it doesn't have a date on it: http://www.atariprotos.com/8bit/software/rockball/unknown2.htm

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