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Displaying Hatari on a CRT TV


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I've recently put together a PC with crtemudriver installed, which alongside a little converter allows for connecting to a CRT TV via RGB SCART. The driver makes outputting 15Khz via VGA from PC possible. Using modelines you are then able to display games in 240p, as originally intended.


That's the theory, because getting particular emus to work with all that can be tricky. You need to match the emu's settings and the modelines. I found this for Hatari:



Author recommeds using these settings:

# 50Hz Low/Medium resolution (European machine)
ModeLine       "352x288x50.00" 7.386800 352 368 408 472 288 292 295 313 -HSync -VSync

# 60Hz Low/Medium resolution (US machine)
ModeLine       "352x200x60.00" 7.391520 352 368 408 472 200 222 225 261 -HSync -VSync

And several Hatari config adjustments. I've tried the first one (352x288 @ 50Hz) and it sort of looks good (no artifacts) but the aspect ratio is not right. Basically the image has very little H border and is a bit squished, compared to my real STfm which is also displaying on a CRT TV via RGB SCART. The other modeline (352x200) also works but is even more squished and has no horizontal borders.


I've tried to fiddle with Hatari display settings in the menu but I don't really know what I'm doing so taht did not yield any results.


Any ideas why is that happening? Can somebody suggest a better resolution to make modeline with? Also, could the TOS version affect things? (I did use 1.00 UK with that first resolution).




Edited by youxia
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