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Small question about hacking 2600 games


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Ok, I've seen some of the hacks that were done of certain games and it makes me want to hack some games for fun seeing how I've always wanted to get into programming and hacking seems like a way to practice working with code.


So, what will I need in order to do so?


I've browsed the Hacks section but I don't see anything that answers my question.


Do I need a Hack O Matic thingy?


Is there a program where you hack roms?


This question might not be in the right forum but it does get more traffic than the Hacks section so I thought I'd post in here and since I want to hack 2600 games.


Can anyone give me a primer on what I need to learn?


This would be helpful and more than likely help me kill some time between now and the beginning of classes to do something productive and creative.


Any help is appreciated.



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if you only want to do a graphical hack of a game (this excludes color changes), yes Hack-o-Matic or similar tools are all you'll need.


If you want to do more, you'll need to know some 6502 assembly and at least some of the inner workings of the 2600, then disassemble the roms and modify the game...!




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Downloaded Hack O Matic but no clue on how it works.


I wonder why things have to be so complicated.


Oh well.


All I want to do is take a certain game and hack the graphics for fun.


Hack-O-Matic complicated? All you do is find your game you want, load it in, and scroll until you find the graphic you want to change. After that, it's as simple as point and click.

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All you do is go to file, click open, and find what your looking for (I'm guessing you did this). Other than that, I don't know what to tell you.


Yes I did this.


However, the file was a bin file.


I'm not sure what types of files. I will be checking out the link to the thread that NE1 posted.

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Hack-o-Matic was rendered obsolete a few days ago by "hackomatic2.exe" which was made by a RapidQ programmer in response to people's problems with HoM. You can download it at




or read the thread on another board at




Not only is it faster and a bit simpler to use in Windows (you can "paint" by dragging rather than clicking each pixel), it's also faster when run under Wine in Linux than Hack-o-Matic is. I see no reason to continue using Hack-o-Matic, myself (speaking as HoM's developer. :) )


I'll probably rewrite a native HoM for Linux as a Gambas (VB-like language) app, but all you Windows guys should be all set with the above link.

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