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hunting, trading or ePay?


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I wanted to get everyones take on this. Having only started recently collecting 2600 games, I have mainly stuck with hunting for them in the wild(ie thrift stores, garage sales, secret caves inhabited by c.h.u.d.). Mainly, becuase I get a huge rush when I see a combat cart chillin' in a dusty bin at the local goodwill, and because it's the most cost effective way for me to build the "collection"....muwwahhhhaaaahhhaaa!


Anywho, do you think it is still possible to build a collection through hunting or has it gotten to the point that most carts have been found and are already in the hands of all of you people?


What method do you prefer?


Anyone have any ePay Horror Stories of getting sent bogus carts?




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I used to get everything in the wild. Now I either don't have time to go hunting, or I do and I just don't find anything. So lately most of what I get comes from trades. I occasionally use eBay to get something I really want or if I'm browsing and find a good deal. You forgot one other way and that's online dealers. As I've become more interested in getting boxed games I use them more and more often.

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Hunting has proven completely fruitless for me in Atlanta, so I have given up on it altogether. The majority of my collection was acquired through eBay, which is certainly the EASIEST way to get what you want, but I shudder to think about how much money I've probably spent there. (Or more accurately, how much money eBay and PayPal have skimmed off the top of the multitudinous transactions.)


I have dabbled a bit in trading recently... I think the folks here in the AA forums are a great resource for trading, and everyone I've dealt with here so far has lived up to my expectations as reliable and honest traders. But I think it's hard to really build a collection by trading. You need to have a pretty sizeable collection already to have anything to barter with!


There is a town nearby my current top-secret location in the remote northern region of the Midwest that is having a city-wide rummage sale tomorrow. I plan to go early and grab up everything I can! (Which probably won't be much... but I can hope, can't I?)

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Ebay mostly....It's just easier. Not as fun as hunting the thrifts, but I've found VERY LITTLE in the wild. I've also bought / traded with some AA members as well. Everyone I've dealt with has been top-notch.

Ebay can be a rush too.....especially when you can find a good bin once in a while.

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i would rather find them in the wild but i definitely buy off ebay. Games are very expensive on there but if you want something and you have the money you're gonna pay it i guess. but here in jacksonville the thrifts and things have been dry for the last month or better. but i still do check every week!!! :P

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All 3 have built my collection. Mostly hunting, but I've gotten somegood deals on the Ebay and shopgoodwill.com. I've also done somedeals and won a couple of contests with the fine folks here at AA.


A good place to start is your friends and co-workers. Ask them if they still anything hidden away in an attic or closet. Sometimes I've paid for stuff but most of the time people would rather just get rid of this stuff they consider junk.

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I wanted to get everyones take on this.  Having only started recently collecting 2600 games, I have mainly stuck with hunting for them in the wild(ie thrift stores, garage sales, secret caves inhabited by c.h.u.d.).  Mainly, becuase I get a huge rush when I see a combat cart chillin' in a dusty bin at the local goodwill, and because it's the most cost effective way for me to build the "collection"....muwwahhhhaaaahhhaaa!


Anywho, do you think it is still possible to build a collection through hunting or has it gotten to the point that most carts have been found and are already in the hands of all of you people?


What method do you prefer?


Anyone have any ePay Horror Stories of getting sent bogus carts?





I would think it's pretty hard to acquire a large collection through hunting these days. I've acquired most of my collection through hunting, but when I started 6 years ago, it was easier to find stuff in the wild. It seems to be much more difficult now with more collectors and less supply. I still enjoy hunting, but if you want to get a big collection fast, you're probably going to have to fork over the $$ through Ebay or online sellers.

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i think ebay is definately the way to go when you are starting, you can find systems/games in large bathches that usually dont get over $1 per cart, and all u have to do is sit on yer arse and win the auction. ebay is all about patience, if you are hunting a particular game and want to get it cheap, if you are patient, you'll find it eventually.

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I agree, if you're in a big city, hunting is for the most part a lost cause. I have had a bit of luck in small towns but it is hit and miss and probably isn't worth the time. I've done some e-baying and have found some online retailers as well. Also, try half.com, I've been surprised at some of my finds there. I have also asked friends and even run an ad in my neighborhood newspaper with a bit of luck (but not much). I would love to trade but agree that you have to have a rather large collection to have games that people want to trade for available......

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Hunting thrift stores here in the NYC area is useless for Atari, but occasionally you find good trading material (like the three Colecovision games I picked up recently and then used in a current trade). But by and large, the thrifts are useless around here. The only one that has 2600 games thinks that they're all made of gold--sorry, but I'm not interested in a $7 Pac Man cart (and a boxed Othello for $15? C'Mon!)


There's a few indie videogame shops that carry Atari stuff near me, so I guess that counts as 'in the wild,' but they base all their prices on ebay, so it's essentially the same thing, just a faster gratification. One thing I found useful was to go to chain stores like GameStop and, even though they don't carry Atari, ask them if they know of a place that does. One guy tipped me off to an indie store that I knew about, but at least asking him worked. Next time I'm in a different state, I'm going to try that strategy again.


Garage sales are pretty useless now too--I think the last Atari item I found at a sale was a pair of Spectravision QuickShot joysticks MIB....and that was three years ago. Ah, but for the old days when you could get Video Pinball for 25 cents...

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Initially, you can build your collection by hunting in the wild. If you're willing to put in the time and effort it requires and if your area isn't completely dry, you can pick up many common carts this way. Hunting in the wild can be a very exciting part of collecting. I for one miss the early days when finding common carts that I didn't have was thrilling.


But as your collection grows, the wild will have less to offer and, if you wish to continue building your collection, you must to turn to ePay, online dealers, and trades (pick up that tradebait when you see it!).


Good Luck.

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.  I for one miss the early days when finding common carts that I didn't have was thrilling.


Me too. Those days are gone. Though last weekend I finally a found a Colecovision controller that I hadn't found in years. Before that, it was probably two years since I found something I could add to my collection. :(

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Initially, you can build your collection by hunting in the wild.  If you're willing to put in the time and effort it requires and if your area isn't completely dry, you can pick up many common carts this way.  Hunting in the wild can be a very exciting part of collecting.  I for one miss the early days when finding common carts that I didn't have was thrilling.


But as your collection grows, the wild will have less to offer and, if you wish to continue building your collection, you must to turn to ePay, online dealers, and trades (pick up that tradebait when you see it!).


Good Luck.


Took the words right out of my mouth.

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http:// The only one that has 2600 games thinks that they're all made of gold--sorry, but I'm not interested in a $7 Pac Man cart (and a boxed Othello for $15? C'Mon!)


Excellent point! There is a thift store in my area that charges $5 for carts regardless of what they are(NES, 2600, Sega). I understand that they can't be expected to price them all out differently, but another thrift store(same chain) just a few blocks away only charges $2...what's the deal with that????



I did find some carts at the $5 store that I haven't seen before...are they worth $5 each?



MOTU: He-Man

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%99 of my carts are from the wild, For about a year i have filled a medium sized rooms walls with bookshelves and stacked crates. I have used ebay for some 7800 titles as they are still quite cheap. I dont know about the states but im guessing you'd have loads more chances in the wild, Whats the population?


It helps if the epay seller is a collector

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