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My first Atari 2600 related animation

Random Terrain

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You may have read that I'm slowly working on a small Atari 2600 section at my web site, so I thought I would add one or two small animations of famous Atari 2600 games to a couple of the pages. I didn't have any good software to do that, but thanks to some nice people here in the AtariAge forums, I found out that Microsoft GIF Animator is pretty darn good, so I used it to create my first Atari 2600 related GIF animation by way of Stella (the emulator).


Please let me know if you think I got the timing of the rope as close as possible to the actual game. I'll be back online later tonight, so don't think I'm ignoring you if you post a message here before then. Thanks.


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Very nice cavelevel.

Can you modify it where, when Pitfall Harry begins to swing across,

He looks down at the Crocs and flips them the bird, but then when he's about 3/4 of the way over the vine breaks and he falls in anyways and the crocs flip him the bird and then bite his head off??

If not what you did is fine.

Just always wondered why those vines never break...Or what keeps them perpetually swinging.

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...Or what keeps them perpetually swinging.


I always wondered that, too.


well you see, its quite simple really...

its all relative to the rainforest. the massive heating and cooling of the forest from day to night and night to day creates masses of high and low pressure within the forest. the high wants to balance out the low and the low wants to balance out the high so they move towards eachother and try to create an equilibrium. the movement of air particles causes the phenomenon we know as wind. the great amounts of cooling and heating day in and day out cause numerous "winds" and the passing of theses winds is what causes the vines to perpetually swing back and forth.



i think...




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Thanks for the replies. I chose to do Pitfall as my first animation because it was Hank's avatar (the one where the Yar eats Pitfall Harry) that got me interested in making Atari related animations for my web site, but my animations are just going to be little clips out of actual games (or as close to the games as possible). Maybe my next animation will be from Yars' Revenge.


It's kind of hard figuring out what frames to cut out and trying to get the timing as close to the original as possible, but it's still fun because Microsoft GIF Animator is so easy to use, especially for a free program. I'll answer as many people as I can now:


Thomas Jentzsch, sorry the animation reminds you of a lost member.


Moycon, sorry, can't do that :D. Need to keep it as close to the real game as possible.


Godzilla, nope, I'm not him and he is not me. I even sent him an e-mail, but got no answer. Some member(s) at AtariAge must have offended him or something.


ZylonBane, you asked, "Why all the sevens?" That's because I read somewhere that some hosts don't like spaces or underscores in file names, but all hosts accept letters and numbers, so I use the number seven to separate words in file names since the number seven (7) looks so much like a modified slash (/). It gives just enough space between the words to be readable and I can always be sure that even if I have to move to a new host in the future, I won't have to rename my files.


Thanks for helping out Room 34. I can't be him because if I was him, I couldn't be me, and if he wasn't him but was me, how could that be?


Sorry inextremis staple, that was a great effort, but Nathan Strum got it right, it's a really long monkey tail. Vicious man-eating monkeys swing their tails over things like that hoping an adventurer will take the bait and then it will be dinner time. The only problem is, the monkeys are slow, so the adventurer can usually get away before the monkey can reach down and grab him. That's why it's never a good idea to swing too long in one place because eventually, the monkey will get you.


Thanks to everyone for replying, and since no one complained about the timing, I guess I'm done with that animation and I can move on to the next one. Thanks again for taking a look.

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ZylonBane, you asked, "Why all the sevens?" That's because I read somewhere that some hosts don't like spaces or underscores in file names

I've never heard of a filesystem that doesn't like underscores. In fact, the underscore is what many systems change illegal characters to.


The big thing to watch out for is letter case, since *nix systems are case-sensitive, but Windows systems are not.

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I've never heard of a filesystem that doesn't like underscores.


Well, you know how forums are. You don't know who or what to believe about anything and much of the information is hard to find using Google as to whether it's true or not, so to be safe, I use sevens (and I also don't use capital letters). Thanks for the info.

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