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Pawn Shop Horror!


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I think searching for games at the pawn shop can be far more frightening than even the thrift store or the flea market (both which have their dangers :) .


First - I don't want this to degrade into a pro and con NRA thread, but have you ever noticed the people buying guns in pawn shops. I have been seriously taken aback watching some very scary people ask for and purchase handguns and semi-automatic rifles in pawn shops.


On another note, I have a recent pawn story. Last week a guy told me that he had an Atari computer in a side room, but that I would need to dig around and find it. I opened the door to the tiny room and there must have been nearly a thousand rental porno VHS tapes piled high from floor to ceiling. I made a joke to the guy behind the corner about it and said they had been in there for several years and that were all bought used when an adult store closed in a nearby county. I'm telling you -- visions of what could be on all those black covers and videotapes made me stop. I asked again if it was a console or a computer and he said that it was in the corner behind a bunch of the videos and that it was definitely a computer. I declined to adventure any further, bought my 2 2600 games and left . . .

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I'm with you on the scary people with guns and pawn shops. The used game store I work at is rignt near a pawn shop, and some of the hillbobs walking around with rifles and shotguns definitely give one pause for thought.


I mean, we've got all kinds of kids in our store, and these guys walk through the parking lot like it's World War III or something... :ponder:

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I actually spent quite a lot of time working in a pawn shop (unfortunately, it was a corporate owned one and we couldn't take things like Atari games and such), anc lemme tell ya, about 85 percent of all the people who walk in the front door are complete and total scumbags. Period. You get homiez, rednecks, morons, idiots, and all sorts of walking stereotypes coming in, and a great deal of them are assholes and/or thieves. I worked for this place for over 4 years, and I think it took almost 20 years off my life. But, I did manage to score some niiiice stuff while working there, including my prized Vectrex I got for 10 bucks (!). And I own a gun. Nothing wrong with owning a gun, it's just that there are some people who shouldn't have them, that's all. I'm perfectly responsible with mine.

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I dunno, I don't think pawn shops are really any worse then thrift stores. Actually, quite the contrary.


Thrift stores, like Goodwill and Salvation Army won't let you haggle over the price most of the time. Most pawn shops I've been to are more then happy to flexable.


Also, in a pawn shop, half the inventory isn't used clothes like in the thrift stores.

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I dunno, I don't think pawn shops are really any worse then thrift stores. Actually, quite the contrary.


Thrift stores, like Goodwill and Salvation Army won't let you haggle over the price most of the time. Most pawn shops I've been to are more then happy to flexable.  


Also, in a pawn shop, half the inventory isn't used clothes like in the thrift stores.

Then again, the thrift stores you mentioned are trying to raise money for charity, not for a pawn shop owner who is most likely one step removed from a fence.

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I have never felt comfortable venturing in to pawn shops since Pulp Fiction came out...something about the possibility of getting knocked out and waking up to find I was going to be somebody's bitch - "Bring out the Gimp." is not a phrase I'd want to hear...EVER!

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^^ lol... I got my boxed dreamcast with keyboard and 1 game for 30 bucks at the pawn shop... I think it all depends what kind of pawnshop u go... Also pawnshop with internet connection it's bad news... same as an antiquies/collectors store, so I try to avoid 'em

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Then again, the thrift stores you mentioned are trying to raise money for charity, not for a pawn shop owner who is most likely one step removed from a fence.


Well, I used to work for a well known thrift store for awhile, and let me respond to that by saying...


Hahahahahahahaha! Uhhem, em...


It's a nice thought, and SOME of the money made actually does filter down to people who need it.


For example. One of the big thrift's (one that prides itself on how it trains & employs disabled/retarded people. Yes, they do. The entire janitorial staff is nearly all retarded people. There are also retarded and disabled people working at sewing machines in un-airconditioned warehouse areas sewing up used ripped clothing to be resold. Others repairing bins & cages used by the plant & stores. All making a whopping 50 cents a day. The finance director totaly ignored the low wage amount by reinforcing the fact that these people were just happy to have a job at all since most places won't hire them because of their issues. In other words, it ok to use these people as underpaid slave labor in litteral sweatshop conditions because they don't have choice.


Small amounts of money also get donated to the county & city and stuff. But an overwhelming amount doesn't. Extra money goes to more practical things like buying brand new trucks for the executives, even when they were in the red.


Also, and good50-75% of all donated goods (working or not) simply get thrown out as soon as the donator pulls away. Reasons vary from everything between having too much of it, to simply not wanting to have to be bothed in dealing with something.


Charity is purely secondary to their primary goal of making as much free money as they can.


Unfortunatly, all the big chain thrift stores are like this.

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