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Odd Question - Zydec Mouse

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Hi there.


I am wondering if anyone has one of those old Zydec mice (with the atari/amiga switch on the bottom) like the one in the attached picture.


I found one recently that the cable has been broken off. I am trying to figure out the wiring so I can connect a new cable. Does anyone happen to know pcb/cable order. 


Any help appreciated.


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Not sure that that similar mouse has same wire colors for same lines.

Usually only 1-2 lines are broken, so you can check with ohmmeter what 9 pin connector pin goes to witch internal connector pin, and color of it's wire. Then, it's easy to find which one goes to GND, and that's almost always black. And then will see which lines are broken. It is almost always near to mouse, so can remove plastic haul of wire and look for exact break(s). Pulling them little helps -usually internal insulation is not broken too, only copper wire self. And then can check to which pin of 9 pin connector it leads.

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I guess that it was rather cut off, after it was not working, then just abandoned.

Unfortunately, this is common problem today too, and not only with mouse cables. I have problems with USB cables, USB extenders a lot. And likely main reason is low quality of cables. Atari mouses lasted more.

If nobody has cable/connection order, it still can be fixed. For 4 from 8 (9-th pin not used by Atari) can find function, so on what pin on connector - and you can find Atari mouse pinout in 1 sec. That would be GND, +5V and 2 buttons. Remaining 4 can determine by experimenting - only 4x3x2 combinations, in reality less - when one  direction works, then only 2 remains. Ah, and just swap 2 if goes in opposite dir.

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