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Mega STe with bonus!

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Hi all, picked up a second Mega STe which I have talked about here regarding the issues of trying to copy over the HD.  With Peter's help, was able to copy the HD onto an SD card and run it on my main Mega STe, the 2nd one will get a recapped and then be put into service.  While the 2nd one has a case with broken bits in the back corner and no keyboard and mouse, the HD was packed to the gills with software (120 meg HD) and looked very interesting when booted, although I have been having a bit of a time trying to figure out the C drive and what was going on with it.  Well, I inadvertently clicked the right mouse button on the desktop and suddenly a whole new desktop appeared, it was Hotwire!, Multidesk and Multiview joined together to provide a pretty spanking desktop, although I can't seem to get STZip running on it.  Anyone have experience with this replacement desktop environment?  It seems really quite powerful and easy to use, I don't recall this being a part of my setup during my ST salad days.  Meanwhile, got a lot of software in .LZH, ZIP, and ARC formats to decompress and see what all is on this, very cool times ahead!

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Hi b, yes, quite an adventure.  I would say that Hotwire is a fairly sophisticated launcher where you can use either keys (hotkeys) or the Hotwire menu to open programs with a single click, no digging through folders to get to a program.  And what is doubly cool is that Hotwire will run a program in its resolution, I am generally in high rez, but if I click on a game file in the Hotwire menu, it will run in low rez as it should, and then when you quit the game, you go right back to high rez desktop.  The only problem I am having right now is figuring how to get that feature to work with games I am adding to the Hotwire games menu, the way I am doing it now it asks me to switch to low rez to run the game but I know that Hotwire can do this on its own, got to figure out how to set that rez-switching for my other games, not just the ones that came with the Mega STe.

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On 5/25/2021 at 8:15 PM, MasterMotorola said:

Randy, post or send me a photo of the broken areas on your case.  I've gotten really good at restoring and fixing cases and could probably help you get it back to almost new condition if you are interested.  Hotwire sounds really cool, congrats on the new machine.

Thanks Master, I'll shoot some photos this weekend and post them, one of the chunks is good size!

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