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New Atari VCSP Vagabond


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Yeah nice avatar, just the thing to make girl gamers feel welcome and comfortable here.


Ben Heckendorn and I were talking and comparing portables at CGE. That new model is pretty sweet, mine always had a size advantage over his, but not really anymore. BTW, he is a lot more down to earth and approachable than his website makes him seem. Now if only he'd post to his own message board :)

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that is one beautiful portable. I hope he can somehow figure out how to make those in some small quantity that might make the price slightly more achievable. Though I feel that something that custom is worth whatever he wants to charge. I just want to be able to buy one some day :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmmmmmm - Looking at that Avatar picture of the new portable....


I like the handicap size buttons - but the 2600 only need 1 fire button - this one seems to have 2

Also - The screen is a bit to thin to actually see a game (I presume the black line is the screen)




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The Vagabond is great. The thing is that I don't think it's for sale (he puts that on the news section of his site)


I like the handicap size buttons - but the 2600 only need 1 fire button - this one seems to have 2


That's because one button is for the paddle, and the other is for the joystick (they each use different pins on the stella/riot chip)

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Sure it may not be for sale now. However, if he could ever find a way to mass produce units for cheap, why wouldn't he want to do it?


I know it is mostly a hobby to Ben but if he had the serious cash and a willingness to fulfill every Atari collector's wet dream with a mass produced portable 2600, why not? I'd definitely buy one if he ever sold it. I have so many 2600 games I want to play on a portable unit.

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Dunno about that avatar. I mean, for all we know, that's actually him. :woozy:




I really like the Vagabond. The only things I'd change (if I could actually build something like that in the first place) is to put the joypad on the right side (I never played 2600 games using a left-handed joystick), and I'd add a small, stubby joystick handle to it. Sort of like a Playstation Dual Shock stick, but with four switches instead of analog potentiometers. I have an old Gravis gamepad with a little joystick handle on it, and it gives much, much better control than a pad does.

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Thoughts to improve the VCSp series...


Switchable paddle/stick control. There are a few(2? 3?) games that don't work right with both connected, and it would be better to have one fire button instead of 2.


Difficulty switches! Why haven't they been implemented yed?


Color/B&W switch. What? I like Secret Quest, and it's a required control to play it.


Left AND right contol inputs would be nice, for multi-player paddle games or just using the VCSp as a standard VCS. Would pr'ly require another switch.



Long-term, making a VCS clone using modern chip manufacturing techniques should offer power savings, a smaller and more configurable board, as well as sparing more existing VCSes from the hacksaw.

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What are you people on?  The Vagabond is perfect.  The only problem is getting hold of one...

Nothing is perfect. Ever.


And as the Vagabond CANNOT play Secret Quest, or a multiplayer Warlords session, it is sub-optimal IMNSHO.

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Nothing is perfect. Ever.


And as the Vagabond CANNOT play Secret Quest, or a multiplayer Warlords session, it is sub-optimal IMNSHO.



Actually I think it can play a multiplayer Warlords session. :)


If it's built the same as his VCSp Gold, it has 2 joystick ports, it allows two units to be plugged together for most multiplayer games, but also can be used with standard controllers. So you can plug a couple sets of paddle controllers in for 4 player Warlords no prob. Sadly the VCSp Rev6 doesn't do this yet as it has no player 1/link port. :(

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Nothing is perfect. Ever.


And as the Vagabond CANNOT play Secret Quest, or a multiplayer Warlords session, it is sub-optimal IMNSHO.



Actually I think it can play a multiplayer Warlords session. :)


If it's built the same as his VCSp Gold, it has 2 joystick ports, it allows two units to be plugged together for most multiplayer games, but also can be used with standard controllers. So you can plug a couple sets of paddle controllers in for 4 player Warlords no prob. Sadly the VCSp Rev6 doesn't do this yet as it has no player 1/link port. :(

I was under the imperssion that there was no external left controller port, and the "left" link port was JUST a link port.


I'm pleasantly suprised to find I was mistaken.

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The Vagabond is great.  The thing is that I don't think it's for sale (he puts that on the news section of his site)


I like the handicap size buttons - but the 2600 only need 1 fire button - this one seems to have 2


That's because one button is for the paddle, and the other is for the joystick (they each use different pins on the stella/riot chip)


I never went to a website - My descption is based upon the Avatar image ;)

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