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8bit Koffi time


If Koffi is made available in cartridge or disk form for the Atari 8-bit computers, which of the following packaging options would you prefer?  

  1. 1. If Koffi is made available in cartridge or disk form for the Atari 8-bit computers, which of the following packaging options would you prefer?

    • NTSC Koffi on 5 1/4" disk
    • PAL Koffi disk image
    • NTSC Koffi Cart
    • PAL Koffi Cart

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Seems fine.  Keep in mind that I haven't played it on an emulator in NTSC mode or anything.  But I certainly didn't feel like response time was being affected.


I predict higher scores with PAL Koffi players. ;)


Interesting that having BASIC attached, it still runs, but the rain is green. (?!) Maybe I misunderstood. Thanks for testing it out though! Your Llama always appears on the Coniferous Forest, IIRC.

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@Clint: that's why I asked about floppies. Sure, you can actually download the KOFFI.ATR file and use a SIO2PC and run it for free, but you wouldn't get the Koffi 8bit version's 'package' that way, including the very nice manual and label (which I assume would be adhered right onto the 5 1/4" disk, eh?). If you've never seen Koffi's 5200 manual, let me say that by all accounts it is an awesome little manual! High quality glossy paper, nice art and a layout that will make you think you are back in 1982.


And we are doing a custom 8bit manual of same quality.

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