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Bubble Bobble NTSC

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Here is deprotected ST image of it:  BUBON.ZIP


Uses usual Rob Norten Copylock 2. Speed problems are because timing, game speed is tied to vertical refresh (not the best way).

Hard disk adaptation with cheat will come later (probably combined with PAL version, since most of files are same).

And to add:  those who have SPC, so can write original with all protection to floppy disks, and have STE will experience something not so pleasant - game will not start. With TOS 1.04 will. So, original is not STE, actually not it's TOS version compatible.

So much about 'full copy of original is best, we don't want unreliable cracks" type approach. 

Image posted here works with TOS 1.62 . Hmm. let see with 2.06 ...  2.06 UK, so PAL - works,  Music plays little slower, game speed is not bad, so ideal for those with not so fast fingers ?


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