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Hi there!


The C64 version was not bad too.  ;)


Oh yeah, I've got the C64 version too, and it's awesome. The music's the best.


In the UK, it's generally accepted that the Spectrum version plays the best, as is true for many arcade conversions of that period.




Brittish Humor.




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Cybergoth wrote

But I always thought that the "Who Dares Wins" series were the better *Commando* games on the C64


you are right manuel, the "Who Dare Wins" series are very good games !!!

But the topic was about Commando so I just mention the C64 Version of this game ;)


But as ApolloBoy wrote about the C64 version

....The music's the best

I Love especially "the top ten - Enter your name " Theme, which is really damn good.


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Hi there!


The C64 version was not bad too.  ;)


Oh yeah, I've got the C64 version too, and it's awesome. The music's the best.


In the UK, it's generally accepted that the Spectrum version plays the best, as is true for many arcade conversions of that period.




Brittish Humor.





No, it's because you can shoot diagonally as easily as you can shoot any other way, whereas in the C64 version you can't. Simply better programming. :wink:

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I think c64 rambo beats em all, the graphics and especially the music .... dr0000l.... even has elements of stealth gameplay, having to get to a certain point using only the knife. what a great game. and the helicopter... and when you do finally get to use your machine gun, etc etc

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Oh yeah, I've got the C64 version too, and it's awesome. The music's the best.


Yeah, Rob Hubbard at his best!


I like the C=64 version most of all, eventhough it's not a hard task to complete the levels. My collection contains the CIB versions of C64, VCS and NES.


Did you know that Commando was released as "Space Invasion" in Germany - you had to shoot aliens instead of soldiers.

Screenshot Intro

Screenshot Game


Best regards,



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Are games with human targets banned in Germany???


Not in general. Back then in the 80's a lot of games were banned by the BPjS (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften). To mention a few: 1942, Green Beret, Rambo, Blue Max, Beach Head, Into the Eagles Nest, RoboCop, ... and our beloved River Raid.


So not only games with human targets were banned...


I found a list dated 1997 here - some of the C=64 games are still banned today. :-)


Best regards,



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I assume that war games were banned because Germans were trying to fix their image, don't want to seem like a war-like people after what happened in the early 20th century. Ridiculous. The people of Germany today had nothing to do with WWI and II so it's time to stop bringing it up.

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I assume that war games were banned because Germans were trying to fix their image, don't want to seem like a war-like people after what happened in the early 20th century. Ridiculous. The people of Germany today had nothing to do with WWI and II so it's time to stop bringing it up.

I don't think that was the main reason (except for Nazi references). The main reason was/is to protect underage persons from too much sex and violence. And banned doesn't mean you can't buy it, it's not allowed to advertize in open public or sell it to underaged persons.


Though I think this is a good idea in general this sometimes had quite absurd results. Like banning "violent" cartoons like Road Runner from TV before 8pm (happened in the 70ties when I was young :sad:) or the newest law for the protection of the youth that (unintentionally) bans all classic videogames (e.g. Pac Man, even children label games like Big Bird's Egg Catch!) .


AFAIK there are similar restrictions in US but the balance is different (stronger restrictions for sex, less for violence), right?

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I assume that war games were banned because Germans were trying to fix their image, don't want to seem like a war-like people after what happened in the early 20th century. Ridiculous. The people of Germany today had nothing to do with WWI and II so it's time to stop bringing it up.

I don't think that was the main reason (except for Nazi references). The main reason was/is to protect underage persons from too much sex and violence. And banned doesn't mean you can't buy it, it's not allowed to advertize in open public or sell it to underaged persons.


Though I think this is a good idea in general this sometimes had quite absurd results. Like banning "violent" cartoons like Road Runner from TV before 8pm (happened in the 70ties when I was young :sad:) or the newest law for the protection of the youth that (unintentionally) bans all classic videogames (e.g. Pac Man, even children label games like Big Bird's Egg Catch!) .


AFAIK there are similar restrictions in US but the balance is different (stronger restrictions for sex, less for violence), right?

The US has no laws governing video game content. The video game industry is self-polciing, and doing a far better job than the movie industry(which is also self-policing, and actively markets R-rated movies to children).



I'm not as clear on the TV rules.

As I understand it the FCC has rules set for broadcast TV, but anything goes on cable or satellite.

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