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Commando gets the nod as being the FIRST 2600 rom I tried using an emulator on. These were the early early days (1995?) and I think the emulator was PC26(?)


I was surfing the net for atari 2600 information, and found out about emulators for it. I found out that there was an emulator for it, so I downloaded it, tried it out. And freaked out when I saw there was a COMMANDO for the 2600.. I had no idea.


I tried it out, and what I saw was a square orange dot on the top left of a blank screen. So, it didn't work, but that was good enough for me to see that 2600 emulation was starting to be worked on. I just about jizzed 8)

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Having never tried 2600 Commando in emulation, I had the wrongful idea that it would be a lousy port. Later on, I finally got my hands on a Commando cart and was very pleasantly surprised. It's a great deal of fun to play. For some reason (possibly nostalgia) I've always liked 2600 Front Line a bit better, but Commando is a blast!

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Hi there!


The C64 version was not bad too.  ;)


Oh yeah, I've got the C64 version too, and it's awesome. The music's the best.


In the UK, it's generally accepted that the Spectrum version plays the best, as is true for many arcade conversions of that period.




Brittish Humor.





No, it's because you can shoot diagonally as easily as you can shoot any other way, whereas in the C64 version you can't. Simply better programming. :wink:


The c64 version is missing vital levels making a small and easy game but the Spectrum version has quite a few more, and plays better. The music on the c64 version is superb though but there is an 128k Spectrum version around that plays the Robb Hubbard theme tune, and thats really good.



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Seems to me if you're not carefull here, you might fall into one of the oldest, never to be resolved, debates of humanity's history.


More violent than religions, more mysterious than how to catch girls, more relevant than Britney vs Aguilera.


Yes, it's -Spectrum vs C64.


You may get into it, but could you get out?!

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  • 8 months later...

Hi there!




I just played it on Activision Anathology and despite the 2600's limits, Activision did a good job porting this over.  :)


Finally I gave Commando some serious playing time and I must say it really won me over. Way cool port.


Excellent grafix and brilliant playability, it can't get much better on the VCS. Recommended!




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I assume that war games were banned because Germans were trying to fix their image, don't want to seem like a war-like people after what happened in the early 20th century. Ridiculous. The people of Germany today had nothing to do with WWI and II so it's time to stop bringing it up.

I don't think that was the main reason (except for Nazi references). The main reason was/is to protect underage persons from too much sex and violence. And banned doesn't mean you can't buy it, it's not allowed to advertize in open public or sell it to underaged persons.


Though I think this is a good idea in general this sometimes had quite absurd results. Like banning "violent" cartoons like Road Runner from TV before 8pm (happened in the 70ties when I was young :sad:) or the newest law for the protection of the youth that (unintentionally) bans all classic videogames (e.g. Pac Man, even children label games like Big Bird's Egg Catch!) .


So, essentially, you're flouting the law every time you release one of your nifty hacks?


But Pac-Man being banned for the protection of children, in a nation that makes some rather hideous pornography, not to mention giving us one of Milli Vanilli?


Damn, almost makes you think Bush might be right about "old Europe". :)

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