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what kind of SCSI 2 adapter is needed for the Falcon?

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1 hour ago, Randy said:

Ordered what I though would work, it's not even close with many more "tiny" pins on it than the Falcon adapter, not sure what is going on here, any idea what kind of SCSI 2 adapter I can use?  Thanks

Like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/114521552959?epid=17002497503&hash=item1aaa04383f:g:bloAAOSw8DNfsfxT

Or this https://www.ebay.com/itm/402268177745?hash=item5da90d4551:g:MFEAAOSw41pexDIc

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15 hours ago, TGB1718 said:

Maybe something like this, in my PC I used to have only SCSI drives, got a load of these

to connect the drives to the adaptor card.



Looks about right, except the Falcon has female connection so the needs a male in.  BTW, the TT I have has standard 50-pin SCSI for external...

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15 hours ago, TGB1718 said:

Maybe something like this, in my PC I used to have only SCSI drives, got a load of these

to connect the drives to the adaptor card.



Oops, my bad, I see the male in on the backside by itself, make sense now.  I'll look for one of these as well.

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On 6/13/2021 at 11:53 PM, Randy said:

Ordered what I though would work, it's not even close with many more "tiny" pins on it than the Falcon adapter, not sure what is going on here, any idea what kind of SCSI 2 adapter I can use?  Thanks

Falcon have external SCSI 2 (50 pin) connector called MD50. 

Just google it and you will find cables and adapters (I do not know what do you want to cinnect to Falcon...)




btw on this wiki page you will find also info about SCA connector from image from previous post...


There are few basic connectors types (I will give name regardless of number of pins):


DB (like for mouse, joystick...)

Centronics (used on printers...)

IDC (used in internals harddisc, floppys, cd-roms...)

DIN (used for MIDI, ST monitor connector...)


and then there is bunch of less usual types like this MD on Falcon external SCSI port...


Edited by calimero
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