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I just got 5 of these adapters from AA and they kick serious amounts of ass. I hooked up my 2600, 5200, CV, C64 and Pong with these thru a six way splitter that's normally 1 in - 5 out but I reversed it. It works great, no switch boxes and whichever system gets power is the one that goes on screen. It's like having an automatic switchbox for 5 consoles.


In fact maybe I'll mosey on over to the AA store and leave feedback :D

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I use many of these adapters myself, they are extremely handy if you're hooking up classic systems to modern televisions. We also use quite a few of these at any shows we attend to get a cleaner picture out of the 1702s we often have on display. Generally a 2600, 5200 or 7800 will get hooked up through a VCR with one of these coaxial adapters, and then composite video to the 1702. Works great!



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